Science New Post…Elsewhere

Kind of a “cheat” post today. I recently joined the Carina Press SF/SFR blog “Contact–Infinite Futures” and I’ve put up a piece about science news. Pop on over. I have a few things brewing at the moment and will share soon!

Posted in writing | 4 Comments

Have You Seen My Pants?

That’s a question I haven’t asked since, oh, college. (Hey. Don’t judge.)

I’ve been wandering around the house for a week now, asking if any of my kids have seen a favorite pair of black pants. They haven’t. Nor did Husband take them with him when he packed for his research cruise. I’ve been in contact with him; he denies having them, though he hasn’t gone out of his way to search his luggage either. The pants are similar in fabric, if not size, to one of his pairs of trousers, but not the sort of garment one takes when one is prepping to live on a manly boat with (mostly) other manly men. Jeans, baby, that’s what they wear. The more stained with fish guts the better. Yeah, doing *his* laundry upon return will be a great joy.

Anyway, back to my problem of not finding my pants. Last I saw them, they were hanging in the laundry area before I headed out on a short trip last weekend. I made sure they were clean so I’d have them for work on Monday morning, in case I didn’t have the energy to do laundry when I returned. (As it turns out, I couldn’t do laundry Sunday even if I wanted to–our pipes had frozen. Oh, the joys of living in the Frozen North.) But my pants were not where I thought I’d left them. Nor were they hanging in my closet or in the dirty clothes pile. Or in the kids’ rooms.

So where did they go?

I offered the kids cold, hard cash if they found the pants while cleaning their rooms. No such luck. Though they asked for some sort of percentage for cleaning their rooms. No such luck there, either. Sorry, kids.

Driving in to work last week, me fuming about the pants, we passed a dog trotting along the road. The dog was mostly black with white socks.

DD#1: “That dog looks like he’s wearing pants.”

DD#2: “Maybe they’re mom’s.”

Funny, kid, real funny.

Later, at home….

Me (still ranting): “It’s not like they got up and walked away!”

DD#1: “Well, they *do* have legs.”

Har-dee-har-har. I have birthed comedians.

Husband suggested I just break down and buy a new pair. I was resistant, but this morning I put in an order for new pants, along with some shorts, a skort, and some t-shirts for our summer vacation in June. I know that as soon as I tear off the tags and wear the new pair, I will find the old ones.

Then I’ll have two pairs to lose.

ETA: Original pants were found in youngest daughter’s drawer. How they got there, who knows. But I know that dog doesn’t have them.

Posted in on my mind | 4 Comments

Making My Mark

I’ve been reading up on marketing strategies and branding for authors. With a book coming out in August or so (still on track there, as far as I know) I need to get word out every way I can.

I’ve taken mini courses, subscribed to marketing groups, looked into what others have done, to glean what may work and what may not. For instance, a Real Live book signing isn’t going to do me much good because mine will be an ebook. What would I do? Sign the readers’ computer or Kindle screens? That would be annoying. A reading at my local bookstore or library might fly, but again, I wouldn’t have much in the way of tangible “goodies” to sell or share. OK, I could do give away items, so that one is still on the maybe list.

One of the things I see as working is a virtual book tour. It sounds like fun and a lot of work, but marketing is work. And if I want my next book published I’d better show some effort in getting word out. So, I’ve been checking blogs where science fiction romance is reviewed/discussed/revered/mentioned. I’ve started a list of places I will be asking about blog stops and such. Offering exchanges is important, as in, “I’ll have you over this day for your book if you’ll have me over that day for mine.” It’s a lot like arranging playdates in that way : )

One of my stumbling blocks, however, has been my “brand.” Everywhere you turn, authors are talking about branding. Branding isn’t about that particular book (I’ve leaned something, anyway), but about the author. What represents *you*? What phrasing/terms show a reader who *you* are and what they can expect from one of your stories? Does your website/blog reflect the tone of your work?


So here’s my challenge. What catchy line(s) can I use as a brand? What reflects me and my writing? First, I tend to write SF/F/Paranormal stories. Even if I TRY to start off with a non SF/F/P genre it ALWAYS gets some sort of woo-woo treatment. So let’s just assume everything I write will have some kind of otherworld feel to it. Second, while I write m/f or f/f romances they aren’t erotic or even steamy. I think I have one love scene in each of the books I’ve written. Maybe two. But while they may be sensual, they aren’t graphic. So the “Hot lovin’ for long, cold nights (since I’m in the frozen north)” idea won’t work. Really. It won’t. Lastly, I don’t think of my tone as overly dark or light and fluffy. There are some serious situations and places I hope elicit a chuckle or two, but I wouldn’t categorize my work at either extreme.

You understand my problem now. I fall in the middle of most scales.

So what’s an unbranded author to do? Help me, Obi Wan!

Posted in SFR, writing | 4 Comments

Book Pimpage: One Thousand Kisses by Jody Wallace

Hey, Kids! Jody Wallace’s newest release, One Thousand Kisses, is out at Samhain Publishing.

I’m a huge fan of Jody’s and her writing. She is funny and smart. Her books are romantic and quirky, and filled with interesting characters. Here’s the blurb for One Thousand Kisses (which I totally stole from her site):

Embor Fiertag, Primary of the Fey Realm, and Anisette Serendipity, Court intern, are foretold bondmates, but only Embor knows it. He hasn’t informed her of the prophecy because she doesn’t seem to like him. At. All. At the same time, she assumes he disapproves of her. After all, her sister almost got him killed once.

An unsavory political strategy turns the Court against Embor, forcing Embor and Ani to flee to humanspace. With the aid of a scheming feline, they’ll have to share their hearts if they’re to have any hope of keeping the fabric separating the Fey and human realms intact.

Embor is a commanding leader, but is having all sorts of trouble getting Ani to see him as more than that without spilling the beans about the prophecy. What girl wants to be *told* who she’ll end up with? And Ani is caught in the middle of political machinations that would make a White House insider weep. She has to learn to trust herself and Embor if they are to save the realm.

I’ve read 1000K, as well as the previous book set in this world, Survival of the Fairest (which you don’t have to have read to follow 1000K, but buy it anyway ;). Jody has created a world of magic and intrigue like no other author I know.

Go buy Jody’s books. Oh, and Beware of Gnomes!

Posted in books out, reading | 2 Comments

Writing: It’s in the Genes

(Nearly late January??? How did that happen? I guess I can still say Happy New Year. I have until the end of the month, don’t I? Okay. Good. Happy New Year!)

Unlike some children, both my kids love to write. School assignments that ask for a paragraph get a page or two. A simple question turns into a thesis.

My youngest, who will be 11 this year, has been writing and illustrating stories since kindergarten. We have stacks and stacks of books she made at school. Pages and pages of drawings of characters that live in her head. There are documents on two home computers, a 3-ring binder, and at least two spiral notebooks filled with her squished-together printing. She loves to talk about her stories, loves to brainstorm with me or her sister. There are two writing contests she’s preparing to enter in the next couple of months.

My oldest, soon to be 14 (yikes!), caught the writing bug a little later in her young life. Only within the last year or so has she seriously sat down to put a story on the page that wasn’t a school assignment. She even attempted the young writers’ version of NaNoMo and asked her Language Arts teacher if it could be part of their classwork/extra credit. The teacher was happy my daughter was writing, but the current curriculum was already full. Creative writing on that scale would have to wait. That didn’t stop my daughter. She stuck with it, wrote every day, and I believe completed the 20K word requirement. She is also working on at least two Sci Fi stories and does a little fan fiction here and there. For her research paper in L.A., she is writing about what it takes to get published.

Some of our best times together are when we’re discussing one of their stories or something about the craft. It’s amazing to see where their imaginations go. (Strange places indeed, but not a shock there.) I love it when we’re talking about plot or characterization or pacing or what have you and I see in their eyes the sudden dawning of comprehension. That light bulb moment where it all seems to make sense. They get it. They apply what they’ve learned to their personal writings as well as assignments.

My kids are not athletic. They aren’t social butterflies. For the most part, they aren’t “joiners” of activities. They are more introverted and tend to observe rather than participate. In other words, they have the makings of writers. No, not the makings. They ARE writers.

Could a writer mom be more happy? I think not.

Posted in on my mind, writing | 8 Comments

An Alaska Midlife Crisis

Scene: Me sitting at dining room table, cooling down after a brutal *snort* workout on Wii Fit. Phone rings. Check caller ID: Husband at work.

Me: Hi, what’s up?

Husband: Well–

Me: Uh oh.

Husband: Have I got a deal for you.

Me: Uh oh.

Husband: It’s a way you can keep me in a manner in which I’d like to get used to.

Me: You’ve found a way to sell thousands of copies of my book?

Husband: No. I want to buy a bobcat with Linee and Jason.

Me: Not the predatory mammal kind, I assume.

Husband: No, the front end loader kind. We can use it for snow removal, and to fix the gully in the driveway, and to recontour the parking area so it doesn’t flood every spring, and–

Me: How much?

Husband: Only two, maybe three grand.

Me: (choking on water) Only?

Husband: If it’s still available.

Me: I see.

Husband: Can you bring me the checkbook?

Me: (long suffering sigh) Sure. I’ll be there in half an hour.

In Alaska, particularly here in the boonies, there is little call for zippy red sports cars, and having an affair would soon become public knowledge in a place where everyone knows everyone else’s business. So as far as a midlife crisis goes, this one at least has a practical side.

Any bets on what the next request might be?

Posted in Alaska, on my mind | 13 Comments

Winner of the SFR Holiday Blitz

First of all, I want to thank Heather at The Galaxy Express for putting on another fabulous Blitz. You rock, Heather! Thanks also to all 33 authors who offered up 50 books! How generous was that? And to my fellow bloggers who hosted, it was again great fun to be linked to all of you for such a great event.

And of course, huge thanks to everyone who entered. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and discovered a couple of new blogs to check out. Some of us who are just getting going in this publishing thing (more news on that as it comes in ; ) appreciate it.

So, on to the winner…..

The name/comment randomly chosen to win all three prizes is…Francene!!!!!! Congrats Francene, I’ll be sending you an email so I can get contact info from you.

Thanks again, Everyone! And don’t forget to check out the other blogs to see the winners there.

Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!

The Galaxy Express


SFR Brigade


Lisa Paitz Spindler

Enduring Romance

Smart Girls Love Sci Fi & Paranormal Romance

SciFi Guy

Dirty Sexy Books

Love Romance Passion

Panic in the Lingerie!

vvB32 Reads

Corrina Lawson

Flying Whale Productions

Alien Romances

Posted in contest results, SFR, win stuff | Comments Off on Winner of the SFR Holiday Blitz

Winner of the SFR Holiday Blitz

First of all, I want to thank Heather at The Galaxy Express for putting on another fabulous Blitz. You rock, Heather! Thanks also to all 33 authors who offered up 50 books! How generous was that? And to my fellow bloggers who hosted, it was again great fun to be linked to all of you for such a great event.

And of course, huge thanks to everyone who entered. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and discovered a couple of new blogs to check out. Some of us who are just getting going in this publishing thing (more news on that as it comes in ; ) appreciate it.

So, on to the winner…..

The name/comment randomly chosen to win all three prizes is…Francene!!!!!! Congrats Francene, I’ll be sending you an email so I can get contact info from you.

Thanks again, Everyone! And don’t forget to check out the other blogs to see the winners there.

Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!

The Galaxy Express


SFR Brigade


Lisa Paitz Spindler

Enduring Romance

Smart Girls Love Sci Fi & Paranormal Romance

SciFi Guy

Dirty Sexy Books

Love Romance Passion

Panic in the Lingerie!

vvB32 Reads

Corrina Lawson

Flying Whale Productions

Alien Romances

Posted in contest results, SFR, win stuff | Comments Off on Winner of the SFR Holiday Blitz

Enter The SFR Holiday Blitz Here!

Welcome to the SFR Holiday Blitz!
This holiday season, you could win over 50 science fiction romance books! Thirty-three (33!) talented SFR authors have teamed up with 15 bloggers to give you a taste of the adventures the subgenre has to offer. And who doesn’t like tasting things during the holidays?
Entering is free and easy: Just leave a comment. Seriously, that’s all you have to do. Then visit the other participating blogs, which are listed below for your convenience, and leave comments on each of them. Click and comment. Click and comment.

One winner will be picked at each blog.
The deadline to enter is midnight EST on Sunday, December 26.
On Monday, December 27, I’ll randomly pick ONE WINNER,
so be sure to check back!

What’s the prize here at the Frozen North, you ask?

1 print copy each of THE STARS DOWN UNDER and THE STARS BLUE YONDER by Sandra McDonald. (Author will ship internationally. Sweet!)
Chief Petty Officer Terry Myell—whose taboo enlistee/officer marriage to Lt. Cmdr. Jodenny Scott has landed him a tedious desk assignment—is kidnapped and forced to join a mission seeking a group of researchers who disappeared while investigating a network of spherical gateways that allow almost instantaneous travel between the stars.

A digital copy of LAST FLIGHT OF THE ARK by D.L. Jackson
Evolution never happened so fast. Twelve hours outside of Terra II, Colonel Kaleb Titan, a molecular geneticist and commander of the Ark, faces a life or death choice that could change the fate of mankind. The Genesis I, aka the Ark, travels with a hold full of wildlife and three crew members. When a wolf bite and genetically-altering gamma radiation transform Kaleb, he notices his senses have been heightened, his libido has gone haywire and he can’t keep his hands off his crew. Worse yet, they don’t seem inclined to stop him. When their sister ship, the Genesis II arrives early, Kaleb’s problems compound. As soon as the command crew of the Genesis II boards, one whiff tells Kaleb they’re not from Earth or who they appear to be.

A digital copy of SILVER BOUND by Ella Drake
Sheriff Guy Trident doesn’t have much to do with off-worlders; he has his hands full keeping his own planet safe. But he’ll do anything, go anywhere to save Jewel Quinn. She broke his heart years ago when she left to marry a Terraloft aristocrat. Now she’s run away from her husband, only to fall into the clutches of slavers.

Yes, Virginia, ALL PRIZES will go to ONE WINNER!
When you’ve entered at this site, go on over to the others for more shots at some of the best SFR out there! Go!! Go!!! GO!!!!

The Galaxy Express


SFR Brigade


Lisa Paitz Spindler

Enduring Romance

Smart Girls Love Sci Fi & Paranormal Romance

SciFi Guy

Dirty Sexy Books

Love Romance Passion

Panic in the Lingerie!

vvB32 Reads

Corrina Lawson

Flying Whale Productions

Alien Romances


Posted in contest, SFR, win stuff | 96 Comments

Enter The SFR Holiday Blitz Here!

Welcome to the SFR Holiday Blitz!
This holiday season, you could win over 50 science fiction romance books! Thirty-three (33!) talented SFR authors have teamed up with 15 bloggers to give you a taste of the adventures the subgenre has to offer. And who doesn’t like tasting things during the holidays?
Entering is free and easy: Just leave a comment. Seriously, that’s all you have to do. Then visit the other participating blogs, which are listed below for your convenience, and leave comments on each of them. Click and comment. Click and comment.

One winner will be picked at each blog.
The deadline to enter is midnight EST on Sunday, December 26.
On Monday, December 27, I’ll randomly pick ONE WINNER,
so be sure to check back!

What’s the prize here at the Frozen North, you ask?

1 print copy each of THE STARS DOWN UNDER and THE STARS BLUE YONDER by Sandra McDonald. (Author will ship internationally. Sweet!)
Chief Petty Officer Terry Myell—whose taboo enlistee/officer marriage to Lt. Cmdr. Jodenny Scott has landed him a tedious desk assignment—is kidnapped and forced to join a mission seeking a group of researchers who disappeared while investigating a network of spherical gateways that allow almost instantaneous travel between the stars.

A digital copy of LAST FLIGHT OF THE ARK by D.L. Jackson
Evolution never happened so fast. Twelve hours outside of Terra II, Colonel Kaleb Titan, a molecular geneticist and commander of the Ark, faces a life or death choice that could change the fate of mankind. The Genesis I, aka the Ark, travels with a hold full of wildlife and three crew members. When a wolf bite and genetically-altering gamma radiation transform Kaleb, he notices his senses have been heightened, his libido has gone haywire and he can’t keep his hands off his crew. Worse yet, they don’t seem inclined to stop him. When their sister ship, the Genesis II arrives early, Kaleb’s problems compound. As soon as the command crew of the Genesis II boards, one whiff tells Kaleb they’re not from Earth or who they appear to be.

A digital copy of SILVER BOUND by Ella Drake
Sheriff Guy Trident doesn’t have much to do with off-worlders; he has his hands full keeping his own planet safe. But he’ll do anything, go anywhere to save Jewel Quinn. She broke his heart years ago when she left to marry a Terraloft aristocrat. Now she’s run away from her husband, only to fall into the clutches of slavers.

Yes, Virginia, ALL PRIZES will go to ONE WINNER!
When you’ve entered at this site, go on over to the others for more shots at some of the best SFR out there! Go!! Go!!! GO!!!!

The Galaxy Express


SFR Brigade


Lisa Paitz Spindler

Enduring Romance

Smart Girls Love Sci Fi & Paranormal Romance

SciFi Guy

Dirty Sexy Books

Love Romance Passion

Panic in the Lingerie!

vvB32 Reads

Corrina Lawson

Flying Whale Productions

Alien Romances


Posted in contest, SFR, win stuff | 96 Comments