I received a notice in my mailbox the other day that said I had a certified letter at the post office. Apparently the mailperson attempted to deliver it, but I wasn’t home. Or was in the shower. Or yelled at the dogs to shut up from up in my room/office when said mailperson knocked on the door, assuming the dogs were, once again, barking at the wind and not the door.
But I digress.
So I go to the post office and wait in line. I had a package I needed to send out anyway, so not a big problem. Oh, did I mention it was near blizzard conditions? It was. Anyhoo, I’m standing there, wondering who had sent ME a certified letter. I mean, that has never happened. Ever. Yes, I’ve led a sheltered life. My turn comes up. I hand over the package I need to send and my little buff-colored slip. The window person has me sign the thing twice. This must be some important letter, I think. She disappears in the back and emerges with my letter. I thank her and as I walk away I read the return address. The local hospital.
Oh, crud! Did I forget to mail in some bill or something? That’s the only reason I could think they’d need to send me a letter I’d have to trundle to the post office and sign for to retrieve. I tear the envelope open and read the single page.
A reminder that I need to schedule a mammogram. They spent $4.64 to send me this missive. Four dollars and sixty-four cents.
Not that I don’t appreciate the attention. I do. And I know how important mammograms are. Trust me. I’d received the first reminder a couple of months ago and, I admit, forgot to schedule one. I am usually very good about such things, but it got away from me this time.
But did they REALLY need to spend that kind of money? Really?
I was a bit miffed and made my feelings known to my work-out buddies. They were as stunned as I was. On the other hand, I scheduled my appointment that afternoon, as did another woman at the gym.
Okay, so it was worth $4.64.
And now I feel guilty for “making” them send the letter in a manner in which they’d be sure I’d get it.
Go make your appointments, ladies. You know you should. Don’t “force” your health care provider to spend over $4 more than they should to remind you.