The Name Game

One of my friends suggested I blog about my last name. For such a short one, it’s a toughie to pronounce, and my husband and I have heard many interesting variations.

It’s German, not French. There’s even a town in Germany called Pegau. We pronounce it “pe-GAH”. Sort of sound like a chicken when you say it: “pe-GAH” There you go. It can also be pronounce “pe-GOW”. Our oldest daughter says “pegga.” We don’t know where she came up with it, but it’s better than some. We’ve heard “pe-GO” and “pe-GOO” and “PEE-goo,” which sounds terribly painful. But I appreciate the attempt and will answer to just about anything close.

Probably the most amusing/frustrating thing to us, however, is the spellings we get. What cracks me up is when I know I’ve carefully filled out a form to receive some thing or another and it’s sent to Cathy Pegan. Or Pagan. Or Tegue (what the…???). I’ve used block letters in your little spaces! Do you think I can’t spell my own name? I can just see the person filling out the order:

THEM: “P-E-G-A-U? That can’t be right. I’ll just change this letter here and here so the poor twit who can’t spell her own name is sure to get her dingle-hopper in a timely manner.”

ME (upon receiving said dingle-hopper a week later than expected because, heck, this is Alaska): “Tegane??? What the…? Arg!”

I hold not a speck of animosity toward folks who look at my name and massacre its pronunciation. Hell, it took me over two years of marriage to get it right and I’m STILL finding myself messing up after 14 years! But please, if I’ve written it for you in a clear manner, don’t change the spelling. Give me a little credit.

Posted in on my mind | 2 Comments

AT 2 Finalists Offer a Hand

First, I want to extend a huge thank you to the AT 2ers for giving us advice and support. And to Janice Lynn and Gerri Russell, the AT 1 and AT 2 winners, respectively, for coming aboard the group Lindsey Brookes started to help answer our myriad of questions. You’ve been very good to us, and we all appreciate it!

Starting today and running through Oct. 15, the finalists of last year’s American Title contest will be posting interviews with each of this year’s current finalists on their blog here . We were asked the same questions, so it will be interesting to see how they were answered. Here’s the schedule:

Jenny Gardiner: Sleeping with Ward Cleaver (interview date 10/6)
Judi Fennell: Beauty and The Best (interview date 10/7)
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom: Barbie and the Beast (interview date 10/8)
Sally Stotter: Dare You (interview date 10/9)
Cathy Pegau: Haunted (interview date 10/10)
Meretta Pater: Rising Sin (interview date 10/11)
Lindsey Brookes: Operation: Date Escape (interview date 10/12)
Kim Howe: One Shot, Two Kills (interview date 10/13)
Raz Steel: Pass the Kryptonite (interview date 10/14)
Kate Carlisle: The Kama Sutra Chronicles (interview date 10/15)

You’ll note I’m slated for the 10th, but be sure to read all the interviews. These folks are talented, fun, funny and sweet. I’m honored to be in their company.

The writing community is an amazing place. From offering advice on formatting to sharing research ideas, from celebrating sales and contest finals to commiserating about rejections and bad reviews, and much, much more, the writers I associate with are always willing to lend a hand or an ear despite the fact we are all vying for a limited number of coveted publication spots. Is it like that in other businesses? I don’t know, but I doubt it. And it makes me glad I chose this one.

Posted in American Title | 3 Comments

Deadline Hell

No, not mine. My friend Sharron. I’m one of her crit partners and have had the privilege of reading her work before most everyone else. And though this week has been running her ragged, she took the time to look over a few things for me. THAT, dear readers, is friendship. And I’m lucky enough to have several in this business willing to put up with my dumb questions and thick headedness, especially when it comes to technology. But more on my gushing about helping hands in our next episode.

Posted in on my mind, writing | 1 Comment

Some of My Neighbors

As per the “polite” request of my first commentor, here are some pics of our new neighbors. These were taken from our livingroom window. The younguns were born in the backyard of the house nextdoor this past May. Mama was very tolerant, allowing folks to stop and take pictures. She didn’t even charge our dog when the suicidal canine caught on there were intruders and barked her bloody head off.

Large ungulates in the yard–all part of the atmosphere here.

Posted in Alaska | 3 Comments

Who Am I and Why Should You Care?

Hi! My name is Cathy Pegau and I’m a writer living in Alaska. No, don’t bother looking for any of my work, because unless you’ve hacked into my computer (please don’t) you won’t find it. I’m one of many unpubbeds trying to break into print. (Well, I am sort of published. I have an article in a wildlife rehabilitation center’s newsletter from several years back, but that’s it.)

I’ve been writing fiction for the past seven years, starting with sword and sorcery fantasy. But somewhere along the line, the idea for a paranormal women’s fiction/chick lit story formed in my brain. Its snarky humor, contemporary setting and first person view were completely outside of my serious, made-up world, third person SOP. But it worked. Thus, Haunted was created.

With a lot of help from my crit group (Thanks Jody, Julie, Joanna and Holly!) and my friends Sharron and Amy, Haunted turned into a decent story. Decent enough to garner a few of contest finals, including the Romantic Times/Dorchester Publishing American Title III competition. Yay!

As for AT III, there are ten of us who will be vying for the final prize of being published. (I’ll get their blogs/websites linked soon!) It’s run a lot like American Idol, where certain aspects of the manuscript (first line, hero/heroine, etc.) will be voted on by the general public as well as commented on by three Simon-Paula-Randy-esque panelists. As long as I don’t have to sing, I may stand a chance. Voting for the first line starts October 15. I’ll remind you, I promise.

That’s part of who I am.

So why should you care? Because it might be interesting to watch yet another writer make the attempt at fame and fortune? There are a lot of unpubbeds out in cyberspace doing this blog thing, and it’s possible only my friends and family will read what’s here. But maybe not.

Despite modern technology, living in Alaska means being off the beaten path. Being a writer and a stay-at-home mom adds to that sense of isolation. It’s not too bad, but I like to have company when I’m not chained to my desk or running about with kids. I’m sure I’ll be blogging about all that in the days to come.

I’m hoping you’ll visit again, drop a comment, make a suggestion (nothing too vulgar or anatomically impossible, please). In exchange for your reading/commenting, maybe I’ll post some moose and halibut recipes. Let me know. Just don’t ask about the one for moose nose jelly : P

Thanks for stopping by!

Posted in on my mind | 5 Comments