Happy 4th of July, Alaska-style

Okay, to be honest, other than the obligatory barbeques and drinking, July Fourth isn’t the fireworks fest other places experience. Why? Because it doesn’t get dark enough to see the pretty displays of pyrotechnic wonder until nearly midnight.

And yet there is a fireworks dealer down the road.

Why bother, you ask? I can guarantee there will be loud popping noises a-plenty to celebrate the 4th. Which will be either firecrackers or guns. Tough to say. But people will buy gobs of fireworks for when we CAN see the pretty. Namely, New Year’s Eve and for our winter festival in February. The downside of that is it’s usually too cold and/or wet to stand outside and enjoy them. We can see a few from our living room window, but not the whole show. On the plus side, we don’t worry about random sparks setting fire to anything. The bonus of living in a rainforest.

So, Happy Birthday, America. We’ll be celebrating in our way, but like most things, we’ll be doing it just a bit different from those Outside.

How will you be celebrating?

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SFR Brigade Mid Summer Blog Hop Winner!!!!

Woo hoo! What a great blog hop! Lots of fantastic comments and interesting posts.

Thank you all so much for participating. I wish I could give every one of my commentors a prize, but, alas, there is only one from here. And that one is….


*Confetti in air*

Diana won a copy of Rulebreaker and an Amazon gift card.

But wait! There’s more!

Be sure to check the SFR Brigade blog for the GRAND prize winner. Really. DO IT!!!! (That’s a hint, people!)

Yanno, I love giving things away so much, and Rulebreaker‘s first “birthday” is coming up in August…Yep! I’m gonna do this again!

In the meantime, feel free to buy it if you can’t wait ; )

Thanks again, everyone! I had a great time and hope you did too!

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SFR Brigade Mid Summer Blog Hop: Land of the Midnight Sun

Twenty-three hours and forty-one minutes. That’s the hours of visible daylight we experience during Summer Solstice. That’s a lot of light.

Here in Alaska, we celebrate both Solstices, but Summer Solstice is my favorite. Summer Solstice is full of outdoor parties, midnight baseball games, kids running about well after their bedtimes. Who can sleep when the sun is bright until ten or eleven at night? The normal cues for activities are skewed when the sun doesn’t set. Energy levels run high, until you have to get up for work the next morning anyway.

How do we here in the northern latitudes deal with all that lovely, tempting light? Blackout curtains and routine. You see, we gain or lose light gradually, just a few minutes a day. We ease into those 23+ hours without realizing it because we try to keep our biorhythms on an even keel for work or school or sanity when it comes to getting kids into bed. Then, after Solstice, we ease back into shorter days, minutes at a time. Our bodies and minds get used to the coming winter darkness. Mostly.

But all this light has me wondering (because that’s what I do).

What if we were in a place where the sun NEVER set? Would the artificial dark of buildings be enough? Would we miss seeing stars and the moon? Would we lament the loss of mystery that night brings?

Over time, how would we humans adapt? Would we? What sort of psychological issues might erupt from not enough natural darkness? What about the flora and fauna in our all light, all the time location?

There are a number of SF and horror movies that use darkness because it scares the bejeebus out of us. Could we use light the same way?

Tell me what you think about a permanent Land of the Midnight Sun. Leave your email addy and I’ll choose a comment at random for a copy of Rulebreaker and a $25 gift card to the ebook outlet of your choice. A winner will be announced on Sunday, the 24th.

If you can’t wait to see if you’ve won, feel free to pick up Rulebreaker at Carina Press or Amazon or B&N or wherever fine ebooks are sold ; )

Liv Braxton’s Felon Rule #1: Don’t get emotionally involved.

Smash-and-grab thieving doesn’t lend itself to getting chummy with the victims, and Liv hasn’t met anyone on the mining colony of Nevarro worth knowing, anyway. So it’s easy to follow her Rules.

Until her ex, Tonio, shows up with an invitation to join him on the job of a lifetime.

Until Zia Talbot, the woman she’s supposed to deceive, turns Liv’s expectations upside down in a way no woman ever has.

Until corporate secrets turn deadly.

But to make things work with Zia, Liv has to do more than break her Rules, and the stakes are higher than just a broken heart…

And don’t forget to hop on over to the other SFR Brigade Mid Summer Hop spots (Sorry a more convenient list isn’t on this post! There is a complete list in the post below : ) for more prizes and a chance to win one of the biggies!

Enjoy the sun!

Posted in Alaska, Rulebreaker, SFR, win stuff | 27 Comments

SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop

Hello there!

On Friday 22nd June (Pacific Time) the SFR Brigade will be holding its first ever Blog Hop to celebrate Midsummer. 36 fabulous science fiction romance authors will be telling you mystical or scientific stories related to the event, and they’ll each be giving away a prize – books, gift cards, swag bags…and lots more!

Plus there’s TWO GRAND PRIZES!

1st Prize – a Kindle Touch or Nook Touch
2nd Prize -a library of science fiction romance titles from over 20 authors (these will be mostly ebooks with one print anthology), and an Anabanana Gift Card.

All you need to do to enter is pop along to the blogs listed below and comment on as many as you want (only ONE comment per site will count as an entry). Each time you comment at a stop, you’ll earn one entry into the grand prize – so the more sites you visit, the greater your chances of winning. The winners will be drawn at random on the 24th June and announced on this site. The list of participating authors can be found below this post. Spread the news!

Posted in blog tour, SFR, win stuff | 3 Comments

SFR MidSummer Blog Tour Coming Soon!

Come join us!

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Since It’s Posted in PM, It Must Be True

From Publishers Marketplace: Cathy Pegau’s CAUGHT IN AMBER, sci-fi suspense about a former drug addict enlisted to get close to her ex-lover and drug dealer to help save a federal agent’s addicted sister, who finds herself falling in love with the sexy agent, and BREATHLESS, to Angela James at Carina Press, for publication in 2013, by Natalie Fischer Lakosil at Bradford Literary Agency (World).

(Thanks for the head’s up, Loreth ; )

Yes, I’ve know about the deal for a while now, but hadn’t said anything official until I okayed it with my lovely agent, Natalie. So now we all know.

I’m super excited to be working with Rhonda Helms on these books. She was fantastic with RULEBREAKER, and I know AMBER and BREATHLESS will be in good hands with her whipping guiding things.I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the input of my crit partners Jody Wallace and Sharron McClellan Camaratta and beta readers Melanie and Bella (did I miss anyone?). I thought AMBER would never get good enough to submit, but with patience and excellent revision notes, Natalie made it happen.

Okay! Back to work on BREATHLESS so Rhonda doesn’t hurt me.

Thanks, everyone!

Posted in book coming out, Carina, SF, SFR, Woo hoo, writing | 14 Comments

Wild Adventures (AK and otherwise) with Rue Allyn

I can’t say that my adventures in Alaska were wild. Yes, I’ve actually been to the land of the midnight sun (when I was thirteen—so it’s been a while). The train that follows the gold rush trail from Skagway to Whitehorse, Yukon (in Canada) is a treat. I’ll bet that despite the passage of a decade or three you can still see some of the stuff left behind by people following the trail. Things take longer to deteriorate in Alaska because of the permafrost. I spent most of that summer in Fairbanks with my folks who were exchange professors at the U of A. I had my first fresh salmon (delicious, frozen can’t compare). I saw my first midnight sun (R. W. Service’s The Cremation of Sam McGee has been one of my favorite poems since I started reading) and had my first experience of sleeping with aluminum foil covering the windows to block out the light.

I repeated that last experience when the Navy sent me and my husband to duty in Keflavik, Iceland. Our eldest child was three months old. Imagine trying to establish a night time routine when there wasn’t much of any night for several months. Add watch duty rotations (Days, Afternoons, Midnights) and parenting becomes a really wild adventure. Military service throws all sorts of monkey wrenches in to what civilians think of as ‘normal’ life.

That happens to Senior Chief Hank O’Mara and Lieutenant Bethany Morton in my erotic romance Off Limits (available now from Red Sage Publishing and other fine e-retailers). Both are happy in their lives as career Navy personnel and neither expects to have that life turned upside down by falling in love with someone who is literally Off Limits. But these two seasoned sailors roll with the punches. Like military parents, newlyweds, students and all our service members they make sacrifices to be able to love each other and serve their country too. Off Limits is available now from Red Sage Publishing. You can find an excerpt here. I’d love to have you leave comments either on this post or any other topic you choose.

A bit about Rue Allyn—I wrote my first story around the age of five and read my first romance at the age of eight. I’ve been in love with being in love ever since. I’m happily married to my sweetheart of many, many years. We share the home of two cats, who condescend to allow me to feed them and clean their litter box. They occasionally permit me to pet them but demand my love and attention as their right. I am in awe of their feline ability to dominate with half a glance or a mere twitch of tail. I am insatiably curious, an avid reader and traveler. I love to hear from readers about your favorite books and real life adventures. I also love my work. Seriously, what could be more fun than sharing love and adventure with all your friends? For more about me and my books go to http://RueAllyn.com.

Posted in adventure, Alaska, books out, guest | 6 Comments

For My Sisters

I just returned from a ten day trip to New York and Philadelphia. The main purpose of the trip was to attend my best friend’s wedding in Philly, but, being from the New York area (Long Island, more accurately) I spent some time visiting my family.

Now, there’s a reason why I live in Alaska and my family is back in New York. Don’t get me wrong, I love them with all my heart, but there’s also a lot of drama I’m not sorry to be missing. I’m also happier raising my kids in a less intense location, and that has nothing to do with my relatives.

While in NY, I stayed in my mother’s place. She bought a house with my sister and brother-in-law a couple of years ago, so I got to see them a lot too. Which is great. I also saw my brothers and their families, which is also great. Mom and Sis had the week off, so we went out shopping, did lunch, got my hair done for the wedding, all sorts of fun things. I know it was a special time, not the day-to-day stuff we all go through. Spirits were high and the love was flowing. But it made me realize how much I miss having them around. My mother and sister share things I will never be part of as long as I live where I am.

“Let’s get lunch!”

“Hey, can you watch the dogs/cats while I’m gone for the day?”

“How about roast beef for Sunday dinner rather than ham?”

Despite the frustrations of living near family, I miss them terribly. My kids don’t have the opportunity to get to know their grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins like I did. Yes, I chose to move to Alaska, but that doesn’t mean it’s not without its shortcomings. Distance from family, mine and my husband’s, is one of those shortcomings we’ve learned to deal with.

I particularly miss my sister. We weren’t close as kids, running with two very different crowds, but now that we’re adults we have a lot more in common. I want to share more daily things with her. I want to go shopping, ask her opinion on my hair and clothes (OK, maybe not). I want our families to get together for holidays, summer barbeques and Sunday football. I want my sister more than once a year, maybe, or as a voice across the continent.

But alas…

Sis, brother-in-law, and mom drove me to Philly, so our good-bye was not the teary-eyed airport event it could have been. Sad, yes, but we held together.

But I realized something over the next few days of wedding preparation with my friend: I was in the same situation with her as I am with my blood sister.

Sharron and I met in college in Fairbanks and became fast friends. For the last twenty-five years, we’ve managed to see each other almost yearly, talk on the phone just about weekly, and share parts of our lives like sisters. I cried with her when relationships went to hell and rejoiced when love was found. It was an honor to be in her wedding, as I was in my sister’s.

Hanging out with my friend was similar to being in NY, not typical day-to-day stuff, but I still wanted to share that with her. I want to catch a movie or do lunch. I want to have her and her new husband over for dinner or for game night. I want my sister-from-another-mother.

Another friend was in for the wedding as well, and the three of us spent a day running around shopping, laughing, and making each others’ sides ache. Again, not the daily angst of work and family, but I could see us helping each other through tough times and rejoicing in the good times.

Some of my sisters I only know through email or Twitter or Facebook. Some I may have met only once or twice. But it’s there, that spark of recognition that we understand each other, that we can depend on one another to lend an ear, a shoulder, a hand.

Sisters share a special bond. These women are my sisters as much as my blood sister. I want them in my life. I want them with me through all the highs and lows. The distance makes it difficult, but the love makes it bearable.

Posted in on my mind | 3 Comments

Things Are Happening

Hoping there will be some news soon, but nothing I can discuss at the moment. I know, I know. I hate the tease thing too. What can I tell you? I’s have to be dotted and T’s crossed in this biz before official spouting is allowed.

Spring isn’t *quite* in the air here in Alaska. We have tons of snow on the ground and March is typically our snowiest month (god help us!). I’m hoping for a reprieve. It may melt off by June, but I’m not holding my breath. Though perhaps I should, because when it does melt it will be floody and muddy!

In the meantime, I have stories to write, family to visit, and friends whose marriage I will attend/participate.

What are your spring plans?

Posted in Alaska, on my mind, talk to me | 5 Comments

Anniversary Contest!

My husband and I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage on February 29th. That’s five anniversaries. Well, five REAL anniversaries. On “off” years, we have an arrangement. His anniversary is on February 28th and mine is on March 1st. I give him a card or wish him happy anniversary then he remembers to do the same the following day.

Getting hitched on Leap Year Day was planned for that simple reason, to remind him of the date. I figured he could manage the right date every four years. So far, so good. And on those off years, I don’t concern myself it he’s had to travel or forgets or doesn’t get me anything. I don’t usually get him anything either. It’s been a great 20 years with my husband, and I know how much he loves and cares for me by the things he does for our family, not by the stuff that accumulates in our home.

Thank you, honey, for being a great husband and dad.

In honor of our anniversary, I’m having an Alaska goodies giveaway. Local tee shirt, a tote bag, some other AK stuff. How do you win? In the comments below, tell me about your best/worst anniversary or wedding memory. You can also complete the line “You know you’re an Alaskan when…” Here are some samples:

You know you’re an Alaskan when…..
…..your “signature” lip color is Carmex.
…..you keep your snow shovel out year ‘round.
…..you’ve only seen 4th of July fireworks when you were down in the Lower 48. (But who wants to leave AK in July??? It’s the best time of year to be here!)

So give me your stories and/or your Alaskan comments. I’ll do a random drawing on Sunday, March 4, and yes, I will ship internationally : )

Let’s see what ya got!

ETA: Winner has been chosen! LE, you get some sort of AK stuff! Email me at cathy@cathypegau.com.

Thanks for commenting, everyone! I totally enjoyed your stories and “You know you’re an Alaskan” quips : )

Posted in contest, fun, win stuff, Woo hoo | 17 Comments