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Category Archives: cover love
Cover Reveal and Giveaway for Colonization by Aubrie Dionne
I’m honored to be part of Aubrie Dionne’s cover reveal tour for her release Colonization: Paradise 21, a sci fi YA book coming from Inkspell Publishing as an ebook and in print this October. Isn’t it lovely!
Finding a new home has never been so dangerous.
Andromeda has spent all seventeen years of her life aboard a deep space transport vessel destined for a paradise planet. Her safe cocoon is about to break open as Paradise 21 looms only one month away, and she must take the aptitude tests to determine her role on the new world and her computer assigned lifemate. As a great-granddaughter of the Commander of the ship, she wants to live up to her family name. But, her forbidden love for her childhood friend, Sirius, distracts her and she fails the tests. The results place her in a menial role in the new colony and pair her with Corvus, “the oaf”.
But when Andromeda steps foot on Paradise 21, her predestined future is the least of her worries. Alien ghosts from a failed colonization warn her of a deadly threat to her colony. And when Sirius’s ship crashes on the far ridge in an attempt to investigate, she journeys to rescue him with Corvus.
Andromeda now must convince the authorities of the imminent danger to protect her new home. What she didn’t expect was a battle of her own feelings for Sirius and Corvus.
Can she save the colony and discover her true love?
Author Bio:Aubrie Dionne writes science fiction fantasy with romantic elements. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Inkspell Publishing, Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She’s also a professional flutist in New England.
Please visit her website: www.authoraubrie.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2964057.Aubrie_Dionne
Twitter: @authoraubrie
Blog: http://authoraubrie.blogspot.com
Giveaway! – Open for US and UK only.
We have a very cool keyring as a giveaway.
Go here to find out how to win!
Congratulations, Aubrie! I can’t wait to read Colonization!
Liv Braxton, a small-time thief stuck on a backwater planet, takes on the gig of a lifetime filling in as executive assistant at Exeter Mining Company. Her job is to download incriminating files, but Liv finds herself unexpectedly torn when she falls for Zia Talbot, the beautiful and alluring VP she is supposed to betray.
When I saw this for the first time, my jaw dropped and I felt myself getting all faklempt. Can you blame me? It’s a gorgeous cover, and I can’t thank the art team at Carina Press or the artist at Croco Designs enough for the perfect rendition of Liv and Zia. That’s them, I said to myself.
The cover shows Liv and Zia’s strength and vulerability, two characteristics I love in heroines. Liv is a thief, she needs to be tough but she’s not unfeeling. That’s sort of her problem : ) Zia may be standing behind Liv, but she’s no shrinking violet. Far from it.
The blue tone, weapon and background let you know this is going to be a futuristic/science fiction story. The position of the characters tells you it’s a romance, but not erotic. It looks like Zia is about to kiss Liv’s shoulder. There’s a scene in the book where Zia comes up behind Liv and does that. I’m not sure if the artist read it, but it’s nicely implied here. And rather sensual, IMO : )
Rulebreaker comes out August 8. I’ll be posting a blog tour schedule in conjuction with the release. I hope you join me.
But until then, feel free to pop back and drool over the cover. I know I will : )
The legalese:
Cover Art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Copyright© 2011 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Liv Braxton, a small-time thief stuck on a backwater planet, takes on the gig of a lifetime filling in as executive assistant at Exeter Mining Company. Her job is to download incriminating files, but Liv finds herself unexpectedly torn when she falls for Zia Talbot, the beautiful and alluring VP she is supposed to betray.
When I saw this for the first time, my jaw dropped and I felt myself getting all faklempt. Can you blame me? It’s a gorgeous cover, and I can’t thank the art team at Carina Press or the artist at Croco Designs enough for the perfect rendition of Liv and Zia. That’s them, I said to myself.
The cover shows Liv and Zia’s strength and vulerability, two characteristics I love in heroines. Liv is a thief, she needs to be tough but she’s not unfeeling. That’s sort of her problem : ) Zia may be standing behind Liv, but she’s no shrinking violet. Far from it.
The blue tone, weapon and background let you know this is going to be a futuristic/science fiction story. The position of the characters tells you it’s a romance, but not erotic. It looks like Zia is about to kiss Liv’s shoulder. There’s a scene in the book where Zia comes up behind Liv and does that. I’m not sure if the artist read it, but it’s nicely implied here. And rather sensual, IMO : )
Rulebreaker comes out August 8. I’ll be posting a blog tour schedule in conjuction with the release. I hope you join me.
But until then, feel free to pop back and drool over the cover. I know I will : )
The legalese:
Cover Art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Copyright© 2011 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Wanna See Something Pretty?
Head on over to The Galaxy Express ; )
Or, if you’d rather wait until tomorrow, you can come back here.
ETA: Oops! Sorry, gang, I’ll post Thursday or Friday. I have to find something first : P