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Category Archives: on my mind
Time to Go Home
We’ve been on vacation since June 13 so it’s about that time, folks. Time to go home. It’s been amazing, seeing all kinds of things, enjoying each other’s company (no really!) and spending the last week hanging out with family in a super relaxed sitution.
But tomorrow we head back, and while we’ve had fun, we’ll also be happy to see our own home, our own beds and our critters. Plus, there is work to be done, blog tours to prep (Rulebreaker comes out Aug. 8 and I’ve got things to do!) and the rest of the summer to survive.
I’ll post some stats and some pics from our SoCal tour in the next few days.
See you back in the Semi-Frozen North!
Happy Summer!
Happy first day of summer, folks! We’re celebrating the turn of the season (and DD #2’s upcoming b-day) in sunny California. Yep, an actual family vacation full of tourist attractions, cranky kids, and tired adults. Kidding (mostly). It’s been a blast so far, and we have another couple of weeks to go before heading back to Alaska. A full report will be issued then.
In the meantime, I hope your summer has started off well! Catch you later, dudes! (Well, I told you we’re in California 🙂
Social Media for the Unsocial
Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge and joined Twitter. Why? It’s. The. Thing. To. Do.
Not that I’m a follower of the latest trends (see sad closet as proof), but I do understand the basics of networking and such.
Living in a somewhat remote location, I love things like Twitter and Facebook that allow me to keep in contact with friends, family and associates in 420 characters or fewer. For on the go folks, or those of us who are often at a loss for how to fill in dead air space, these options are appreciated. Sure, I like the occasional round of small talk, but if I can tell you what I’m up to or make a witty retort then go on to the next shiny topic, I’m happy with that too.
So what do you do to keep in touch? Are you a Twitterer? FBer? Other? Does it work for you? Love it? Hate it? Wish we were back to actual face-to-face conversations that required fully spelled out words? Tell me.
Have You Seen My Pants?
That’s a question I haven’t asked since, oh, college. (Hey. Don’t judge.)
I’ve been wandering around the house for a week now, asking if any of my kids have seen a favorite pair of black pants. They haven’t. Nor did Husband take them with him when he packed for his research cruise. I’ve been in contact with him; he denies having them, though he hasn’t gone out of his way to search his luggage either. The pants are similar in fabric, if not size, to one of his pairs of trousers, but not the sort of garment one takes when one is prepping to live on a manly boat with (mostly) other manly men. Jeans, baby, that’s what they wear. The more stained with fish guts the better. Yeah, doing *his* laundry upon return will be a great joy.
Anyway, back to my problem of not finding my pants. Last I saw them, they were hanging in the laundry area before I headed out on a short trip last weekend. I made sure they were clean so I’d have them for work on Monday morning, in case I didn’t have the energy to do laundry when I returned. (As it turns out, I couldn’t do laundry Sunday even if I wanted to–our pipes had frozen. Oh, the joys of living in the Frozen North.) But my pants were not where I thought I’d left them. Nor were they hanging in my closet or in the dirty clothes pile. Or in the kids’ rooms.
So where did they go?
I offered the kids cold, hard cash if they found the pants while cleaning their rooms. No such luck. Though they asked for some sort of percentage for cleaning their rooms. No such luck there, either. Sorry, kids.
Driving in to work last week, me fuming about the pants, we passed a dog trotting along the road. The dog was mostly black with white socks.
DD#1: “That dog looks like he’s wearing pants.”
DD#2: “Maybe they’re mom’s.”
Funny, kid, real funny.
Later, at home….
Me (still ranting): “It’s not like they got up and walked away!”
DD#1: “Well, they *do* have legs.”
Har-dee-har-har. I have birthed comedians.
Husband suggested I just break down and buy a new pair. I was resistant, but this morning I put in an order for new pants, along with some shorts, a skort, and some t-shirts for our summer vacation in June. I know that as soon as I tear off the tags and wear the new pair, I will find the old ones.
Then I’ll have two pairs to lose.
ETA: Original pants were found in youngest daughter’s drawer. How they got there, who knows. But I know that dog doesn’t have them.
Writing: It’s in the Genes
(Nearly late January??? How did that happen? I guess I can still say Happy New Year. I have until the end of the month, don’t I? Okay. Good. Happy New Year!)
Unlike some children, both my kids love to write. School assignments that ask for a paragraph get a page or two. A simple question turns into a thesis.
My youngest, who will be 11 this year, has been writing and illustrating stories since kindergarten. We have stacks and stacks of books she made at school. Pages and pages of drawings of characters that live in her head. There are documents on two home computers, a 3-ring binder, and at least two spiral notebooks filled with her squished-together printing. She loves to talk about her stories, loves to brainstorm with me or her sister. There are two writing contests she’s preparing to enter in the next couple of months.
My oldest, soon to be 14 (yikes!), caught the writing bug a little later in her young life. Only within the last year or so has she seriously sat down to put a story on the page that wasn’t a school assignment. She even attempted the young writers’ version of NaNoMo and asked her Language Arts teacher if it could be part of their classwork/extra credit. The teacher was happy my daughter was writing, but the current curriculum was already full. Creative writing on that scale would have to wait. That didn’t stop my daughter. She stuck with it, wrote every day, and I believe completed the 20K word requirement. She is also working on at least two Sci Fi stories and does a little fan fiction here and there. For her research paper in L.A., she is writing about what it takes to get published.
Some of our best times together are when we’re discussing one of their stories or something about the craft. It’s amazing to see where their imaginations go. (Strange places indeed, but not a shock there.) I love it when we’re talking about plot or characterization or pacing or what have you and I see in their eyes the sudden dawning of comprehension. That light bulb moment where it all seems to make sense. They get it. They apply what they’ve learned to their personal writings as well as assignments.
My kids are not athletic. They aren’t social butterflies. For the most part, they aren’t “joiners” of activities. They are more introverted and tend to observe rather than participate. In other words, they have the makings of writers. No, not the makings. They ARE writers.
Could a writer mom be more happy? I think not.
An Alaska Midlife Crisis
Scene: Me sitting at dining room table, cooling down after a brutal *snort* workout on Wii Fit. Phone rings. Check caller ID: Husband at work.
Me: Hi, what’s up?
Husband: Well–
Me: Uh oh.
Husband: Have I got a deal for you.
Me: Uh oh.
Husband: It’s a way you can keep me in a manner in which I’d like to get used to.
Me: You’ve found a way to sell thousands of copies of my book?
Husband: No. I want to buy a bobcat with Linee and Jason.
Me: Not the predatory mammal kind, I assume.
Husband: No, the front end loader kind. We can use it for snow removal, and to fix the gully in the driveway, and to recontour the parking area so it doesn’t flood every spring, and–
Me: How much?
Husband: Only two, maybe three grand.
Me: (choking on water) Only?
Husband: If it’s still available.
Me: I see.
Husband: Can you bring me the checkbook?
Me: (long suffering sigh) Sure. I’ll be there in half an hour.
In Alaska, particularly here in the boonies, there is little call for zippy red sports cars, and having an affair would soon become public knowledge in a place where everyone knows everyone else’s business. So as far as a midlife crisis goes, this one at least has a practical side.
Any bets on what the next request might be?
What Am I Thinking?
My husband and I have been together too long.
We’ll be celebrating our 19th anniversary this February. (Actually, our 4 3/4th anniversary. Work it out ; ) The number of years isn’t the issue. It’s how we rarely have to say a word yet still know what’s going on in each other’s heads. We can sit in a room watching TV, or listening to the kids’ conversations, and some phrase or topic will come up. We just have to look at each other and we’ll both smile knowingly. We can spend hours in a room or in a car together and exchange no more than a dozen words, but not feel awkward or like we need to fill the silence.
But the other day took the proverbial cake.
Hubby was in Anchorage for several days. He had a meeting or two to attend and did some Christmas shopping as well. I’d given him a list of the few items I wanted for the girls and knew he’d add to it as well as pick up stocking stuffers. While he was away, he called to confirm that I hadn’t thought up anything to add. Nope, I’m good, I said. See you in a couple of days.
The day before he came home, I was watching our eldest daughter play World of Warcraft and thought back to my high school and college days as a Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game geek. We’ve told the girls about these old school pencil, paper and dice games, and they were intrigued. In a time when video stimulus is the norm, the actual use of imagination is rare. Both our girls are chock full of imagination, and I thought maybe it would be fun to introduce them to the world of Dungeons and Dragons some day. Something came up, as it usually does, and my mind went on to other things.
Then Hubby returned from the Big City the following day. Guess what he had bought the day before? Yep! A D&D starter set. I was floored. We had not said two words about the game in months and months while in the same room, yet here he was holding up a familiar box and smiling. I sputtered and told him that I had just been thinking about it. He laughed, but I think he was a little freaked out too.
There are great advantages to having a loved one know you so well you don’t have to explain yourself or try to suss out what, exactly they are thinking. On the other hand, I wonder what I think he *doesn’t* know that he really does….
The Other Woman
Her name is Peggy, and I’m damn tired of her getting all kinds of perks while I have to do the drudge work around the house. She goes to movies and restaurants with Hubby. She is the goody-two-shoes who supports public television and radio. She even sent papers off to the title company when we refinanced our house. That Peggy! If I ever meet her, I’m gonna punch her in the nose. But I never will. In fact, no one will, not even Hubby.
Let me explain. Peggy is a mistype on some paperwork as well as a figment of my husbands imagination (more on that in a minute). It all started when Hubby was giving to the local public radio station. He’d put both our names on the form, but for some reason the person who entered the info renamed me Peggy. And so the Other Woman was born.
We kept getting donation reminders in her name. Even a phone call or two. And without knowledge of that clerical error, an old office manager I had, whom I didn’t like, tried to get my attention by calling out Peggy (he knew my real name but was befuddled that day). I ignored him even though I knew EXACTLY who he wanted. Why yes, I can be a b****.
But Peggy isn’t limited to paperwork and befuddled coworkers. She has been around for a while so it shouldn’t be a surprise when she horns in on my life. Or rather, the life I wish I had.
(Trailer for film now out on DVD comes on television)
Hubby: Oh, that was a really good movie. Remember the part–
Me: I’ve never seen it.
Hubby: Sure you have. We went after eating at that new restaurant in Anchorage.
Me: (giving him cocked eyebrow of distain)
Hubby: Oh, yeah. That must have been Peggy.
Me: I hate her.
So, Peggy, I hope you’re enjoying yourself. But do us both a favor. Load the dishwasher or vacuum once in a while. I can’t blame the lack of clean forks on you forever.
Recently, I wrote about our dog, Holly, her losing a leg to cancer, and her amazing ability to bounce back and get on with life as if nothing was amiss. She was her happy self, smiling, I swear, as she bound across the yard or played mama to a friend’s high-energy pup. Unfortunately, things took a bad turn, as these things tend to do.
Less than a week ago, Holly began having trouble standing. She could do it, but you could see there was something going on. Then she had trouble with the three stairs leading up to our house. Within days, she couldn’t walk, couldn’t even stand on her own.
My husband had to leave on a research cruise–out of town and out of reliable communication range. I was on my own. We’d discussed the inevitable, but our vet was in his other location, and there was no one else in town to turn to when the time came. I prayed Holly could hold on until Hubby got back.
Then it got to the point where I had to lift Holly to bring her outside and stand there holding her up, encouraging her to relieve herself. Her brown eyes asked why I was encroaching on her “private business” yet she seemed grateful for my touch and support. I’d haul her back inside, lay her down on her bedding and we’d collapse, both of us exhausted and frustrated and unhappy. So unhappy. She deserved more than relying on me to get her outside. She deserved to be freed from the pain that made her shake and whimper, even when lying still.
I called my husband yesterday morning, Friday, leaving a message that Holly was in very bad shape, that the vet wasn’t available, that no one was, that I was at a loss for what to do. I had kids and other animals to tend. How was I supposed to give our furry friend a peaceful end to her pain?
I headed into work on the verge of tears, holding it together for my kids. They saw the difficulty Holly was having, and the stress of taking care of her was taking its toll on me as I got short with them. I apologized frequently for my behavior, but I’m not sure it helped.
Friday afternoon, I was done with work and about to go home when one of the office ladies handed me a phone message. One of Hubby’s coworkers had called regarding the dog. I realized Hubby must have called or emailed her and explained the situation, asked for help when I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
At home, I returned the call and spoke to Nancy. Her take-charge attitude and soft voice assured me that there were people to help. That she and her husband could take Holly to Valdez if I wanted. That if I went, Penny and Linee would stay with the girls so they wouldn’t have to go with me or be alone for the day. The ferry schedule was tight, however, arriving at Valdez at 11:45 then returning to Cordova at 1:15. Not a lot of time, but enough if weather didn’t hamper the voyage.
Knowing it was what I had to do, I called the vet in Valdez and explained the situation. He wasn’t normally open on Saturdays, but would come in under the circumstances. I called the ferry terminal here. They assured me that I would have time to run into town at Valdez, take care of Holly, then make it back onto the ferry for the return trip. The crew would be made aware of my situation and I wouldn’t miss the boat.
It was settled. I looked into Holly’s brown eyes and cried. In my head, I knew this was the best thing for her. In my heart, I knew it was unfair to put her through so much but it hurt, oh it hurt, to think about losing her. When the kids came home from school, we sat on the floor near Holly and I told them what we had to do. We cried. We told stories about getting her and her “Goomba sister” Bailey when the girls were little. How Holly used to jump the five foot fence that surrounded our house in Oregon. How Bailey, much skinnier then, used to follow and we’d chase the dogs through the neighborhood. We laughed and remembered. And we knew we’d never, ever forget.
Last night, we all slept on the living room floor beside Holly. I gave her an extra dose of pain meds to help her rest, knowing the side effects were moot. This morning, Penny came over to help load Holly into the car and stay with the girls for a little while until Linee and her son could keep them company. We all cried again and the girls said their good-byes.
I checked in at the ferry terminal and was once again assured the captain and crew knew what was happening. Monica, the clerk, handed me a little dog treat. “I know how tough this is.” She’s lived her for a while. I’m sure she knew exactly what I was going through, as did all of the wonderful folks who jumped in to help us.
The ferry ride was uneventful. Hubby called to make sure the boat had sailed because the weather had been iffy. He would be out of range again until Sunday and we’d talk again then.
At the Valdez terminal, I was met by a woman named Donna who has worked with Nancy and my husband. She got in my car and showed me how to get to the vet’s office. Valdez isn’t a large town, but it was great to have someone there to lean on.
The vet, Kelly, pulled up just as we did. He carried Holly inside and gently laid her on the floor. We chatted a bit then I filled out some required paperwork. He went into the back and returned with a syringe of yellow liquid. The sedative would relax Holly prior to administration of the drug that would actually stop her heart. I could stay until the very end or leave after the sedative took effect, whatever I felt more comfortable with. I wasn’t sure, and time was an unfortunate factor. He assured me she would feel nothing once the sedative kicked in.
He gave her the shot and Holly laid her head down as I stroked her soft ears. Her eyes were wide open and she looked around at the strange surroundings. I spoke to her, cried some more, told the vet and Donna about some of her antics. After ten minutes, she was still more interested in the clinic than closing her eyes. Not reluctant, just curious about where she was and these two new people—her new friends, because everyone was Holly’s friend. The vet gave her a second shot. Within minutes, her eyes closed and her breathing became regular. No longer quivering or whimpering with pain, no longer looking at me with confusion and frustration in her soft brown eyes. I cried on her big rottie head and whispered my good-byes. “Good puppy.”
I couldn’t bring myself to watch Kelly give her that final injection, the one that would stop Holly’s heart. I wanted to remember her in a peaceful sleep, perhaps dreaming of chasing squirrels or licking the girls’ faces.
Donna, also crying, walked outside with me and we returned to the ferry terminal. She drove and waited with me until it was time to load. Here was a woman I’d never met before, who knew my husband just a little, but was willing to go through almost as much emotional stress because of the commonality of our love for our animals. We said good-bye and I told Donna she and her husband had to visit us under more cheerful circumstances. I hope she takes me up on it.
I’m so grateful to all the people who got us through this difficult time, friends old and new, people I’d never met, who made Holly’s passing a little easier.
Returning home with Holly’s collar on the seat beside me, I was exhausted. Only one dog greeted me when I walked in the door. Bailey seemed confused, and looked past me. Where was her sister? I gave her a hug and cried some more.
It’ll be strange not to wake up to Holly’s smiling face or pat her big head when I come home. It’ll seem odd to call only one dog in. I’m sure I’ll call Bailey the wrong name now and again and feel the pang of loss. My girls or I will tear up, and we’ll all hug and sob then remember some funny thing about Holly and feel a little better.
Not much compares to the love and memories generated by our relationships with animals, and despite the pain of losing them we seem compelled to have them in our lives. We gave Holly the best life we could and a peaceful passing. I know she’s somewhere in doggie heaven, smiling, four legs flying as she chases a forest full of squirrels.
Good puppy.
Books I’d Love to See Made into Movies (or Maybe Not)
Sometimes, I read a book and think, “Wow! That would make a great movie!” In a way, it’s a complement to the author. It means I loved their story so much that I want to see it in another format, see how someone else interprets what I’ve read.
But how many times have I said that then was disappointed by the film? Probably more often than not. Which annoys me to no end. It doesn’t reduce my love of the book, but it does make me wary of movies made from books I haven’t read yet. Watching a less than boffo movie will likely delay, if not suspend, my reading the book. Which is a shame and something I need to remedy.
Lucky for me, we don’t have a movie theater here. But we do have a decent library. Yay! If a book-to-movie does come out, chances are I’ll be able to read the book first. Or buy it at our local, independently owned bookstore. Yay! Or order it online and have it in my hands in a matter of days. Okay, a week. Maybe two, depending on how it’s shipped.
Whenever your favorite stories are put into another person’s hands (ie: director, screenwriter, etc) you are taking chances. All the nuances and subtleties of a novel can’t be expressed in a two hour movie. And not all of them should. You don’t want to bore your audience. You have to go into movies based on books assuming not everything will be in there. And that’s fine. As a reader of the book, you already know the inside info necessary to fill in any holes. It’s when those holes are huge, gaping, confusing chasms that make a novel-to-move transition difficult. Or when someone decides the ending of the original story wasn’t “right” and changes it. What?!?!?
There are some books I’ve read recently that I’d love to see as movies. Maybe. It would depend on who is running the show, but I’d probably still go see them. Or rather, wait until they’re out on DVD. Dang, we need a theater here….
Anyway, a few from my list, in no particular order:
“The Hunger Games,” by Suzanne Collins. Still need to read the other two books, so no spoilers!
“The Little Stranger,” by Sarah Waters. I’ve seen the adaptation of her book “Affinity” and loved it. She has other movies based on her books “Tipping the Velvet” and “Fingersmith” that I really really really need to watch. Really.
“On Basilisk Station,” by David Weber. The first book of a scifi series starring Honor Harrington, one kickin’ ship’s captain. I think it was supposed to have been made into a film but things fell through. Anyone know? The other books in the series would be great too.
The “Titan,” “Wizard,” and “Demon,” books by John Varley. This trilogy knocked my socks off the first two times I read it. The world Varley created begs for visual representation. James Cameron, look out if this ever comes to film.
“Ammonite,” by Nicola Griffith. A thinking woman’s scifi story. The world she created is also amazing, in a different way from Varley, but still, wow!
“Touched by an Alien,” by Gina Koch. A grand mix of action, romance and alien bad guys. Pass the popcorn and hang on.
So what books would you like to see as movies? Which ones would you *not* want to see as movies, too afraid they would be massacred like Custer at Little Big Horn?