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Category Archives: on my mind
Is It Spring Yet?
The short answer is obviously not.
These pictures were taken February 3rd. The top ones are my kids making the world’s deepest snow angels. Next is the kids in front of a snow wall that isn’t completely man-made. Lastly, the view from my front steps. Yes, that is my poor little minivan on the left. The big, white mound on the right is our pickup. Granted, the truck is tall to begin with, but an additional foot and a half of snow makes it considerably taller. (In another photo we have, my 6’2″ husband is standing at the front of the truck and the snow on the hood comes about to the top of his head. Makes it difficult for my 5’6″ self to get the snow off the truck.)
Usually, I have no problem with snow, especially if I can stay inside and read or write or, as I did on this day, watch football (woo hoo! Giants!) I’ll admit I don’t like shoveling, but as long as the snow stops falling periodically so I can keep up with accumulation, I’m okay.
No, what I HATE about snow is when it melts. Like it’s been doing here for the last two days. Tons (ok, maybe not TONS, but a LOT) of snow that has been packed into ice on my driveway is now melting. But not melting quickly in an unseasonal blaze of sunshine and running down the culverts. Or slowly enough to dribble away quietly. Oh, no. It’s about 34 degrees so there is a constant layer of melt over the ice. Yeah, big fun trying to walk up or down our hill.
For two days it’s been a mess of blowing snow and sloggy slush. There is 6″ of water on my driveway threatening to slosh under everything we have stored outside. I have neither the stamina or strength to move scoop shovelfuls of water and ice terribly far. Plus, I wear glasses, so two minutes into the shoveling leaves me blind. The wind blows my hood off and allows the rain/snow on my unprotected head. My gloves get saturated as if I’d showered with them. I look, feel and smell (don’t ask) like a drowned rat.
The dogs, since they have no other option but to go out to pee, do their business and hurry back to the porch when they’d usually mosey about and take their sweet time returning. Even in the midst of a regular snow storm, they are in no hurry. But in this mess? You’ve never seen two big, lumbering canines move so fast in your life.
I’m sorry I don’t have a picture, but it’s just too damn wet and blowy out there, so you’ll have to use your imaginations. Got it? Okay, now make it worse. There ya go. Welcome to my world.
On the bright side, since I get wet and cranky quickly while trying to save my house from floating down to the highway, I have been coming back inside and ripping through my current wip. Hmmmm….maybe this crappy weather isn’t so crappy after all.
Your Click is Important to Us….
Hi. Sorry I can’t come to the blog right now. The black-footed ferret series has reached a short interlude while other aspects of life take hold. In the meantime, please choose one of the following menu items.
*For Sharron McClellan’s news and contest for her latest release, Breathless (which has a hot cover), click here.
*For the Angry Romance Grrl snarky responses to those who dis romance blog/contest, click here.
*For the fab cover and book trailer for Jody Wallace’s new Samhain release, A Spell for Susannah, click here or here.
*To read about Cathy’s ferret-related adventures thus far, please scroll down to the post titled “Six Degrees of Separation–Ferrets, Part One” or whatever it’s titled.
Thank you, and come back soon!
A Little Pre-Holiday Excitement
As if getting ready for the holidays isn’t stressful enough, yesterday we went through a bit of pre-holiday excitement. Not of the fun and good kind, unfortunately.
First, DH and I made arrangements for a trip to The Big City late next month. We have to schedule carefully because in the winter the ferry only runs every other week. And it leaves late Friday night and returns Monday. And takes 12 hours each way. I know. Don’t get me started. Yes, there is air service, but we have some big items to purchase and need to use our truck to get them, hence the need to ferry. We also had to make an appointment for Dear Daughter # 2 in The City. I called that office. Not a problem. Can get you in when you need to. Yay! All works out. For about five minutes.
DH calls me back to say he’d misread the ferry schedule. It returns much earlier in the day so the appointment for DD#2 needs to be moved. Oh, and the shipping folks who have the kitchen cupboards we ordered in October have been trying to call us forever to make sure we can pay the freight charges. Have they called? Don’t you think I’d TELL you they’d called if they’d called? OK, he’ll take care of that, and does.
So I call the office to rearrange the appointment for DD#2. No problem moving the appointment later in the week, but to get her there we have to send her on a flight from here to The Big City as an unaccompanied minor where DH will meet her (he’ll be staying in The Big City for a week of meetings while the kids and I return on the ferry with our laden truck) and take her to her appointment. Now, I know you’re all freaking out about sending a little kid on a plane alone but (a) it’s only a 45 minute flight, no stops, so it’s not like she can get lost, (b) if I were to accompany her it would cost another $400 because I’d also have to take DD#1 and sorry, but that’s expensive, and (c) DD#2 is sooooooooo excited about going on an airplane alone, something her big sister has NEVER done. You have to throw a kid a bone sometimes, right? She and DH will return together that evening.
But wait! There’s more! While I’m on the phone with DH for like the eightieth time that morning (yes, all of this went down before noon), I discover the hamster has escaped. GAH!!!!! And it was MY fault. I’d neglected to secure his cage door the night before. How he managed to drop three feet and get past two cats and two dogs, I’ll never know. He was in the laundry room, under the dryer. How did I discover this? One of the cats was constantly in there all morning and I kept tripping over her. Duh! So now I have to move appliances. When I scoot the dryer, the thin metal vent tube tears. Dang! Now the hamster has access to the vent that leads to the outside. Where it’s about 20 degrees and snowing. @$%&@!!!! I call DH. He suggests checking under the house to be sure the hamster hasn’t gotten into the tube and out the flappy vent thing. &%%*$#^&$%#!!!!!!! Did I want him to come home to do it? No, I can unscrew the panel to access under the house, crawl around under there to the tube and see if I’m going to have some horrible conversation with the kids when they get home. I hate going under the house, but I can’t afford to wait for him to get home, as the hamster may be gone for good. And crawling around under a filthy, dark house is a good way to remind me to secure the cage in the future. If we have a hamster to secure in the future. Oy vey.
When I go under the house, flashlight in hand, there’s no break in the tube (yay!), but no telltale weight of a hamster either. Where is he? I hadn’t seen him under the dryer or washing machine or any place else. !#%$#!!!!
Back to the laundry room, where I have to climb over the washer and check inside the open back of the dryer. Did you know hamsters don’t come when you call them? But luckily, this one is very friendly, and had no problem coming out from the back of the dryer to me. Yay! I scooped him up and quickly determined I cannot vault a washing machine while holding a hamster. Hmmm. But, smart girl that I am, I’d brought an old pillowcase under the house with me in case I had to net him and had brought it into the laundry room. It was actually within reach. Yay! Did you know hamsters don’t like being in pillowcases? Well, he had no choice.
So the hamster is back in his cage. The travel/appointment schedule for next month is set. We jet out on Sunday for the holidays (also with an ungodly schedule, but that’s another story).
All is well and right in the world once again. For the moment.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all! See you in ’08!!!
Spam Spam Spam Spam
I love spam.
The canned kind is a guilty pleasure I rarely allow myself to have. Fried up with a couple of eggs on toast and topped with ketchup, it reminds me of my dad, who loved the stuff. What beats the artery-clogging goodness of fried eggs and pork product? Nothing, I tell you.
But it’s the other kind of spam, the stuff I find in my email inbox, that I’m talking about today.
I love that kind of spam too, but for a different reason. It makes me chuckle. Most of my email is received at a Yahoo! address. Yahoo! is pretty good about filtering, so most spam is sent to my bulk folder and easily deleted. In fact, I receive very little spam at my Yahoo! address, and am grateful. And just because I say I love it doesn’t mean I want more of it. Really. I get enough as it is, thank you very much.
The gobs of spam that land in my website inbox cracks me up. How, in the name of all that’s good and right in the world, would ANYONE think responding to these solicitations was a good idea? And what lists have I ended up on? Let me assure you, I never open the emails that are sent, but merely reading the subject lines is enough to see my life is woefully lacking.
If I were to answer the spam I get, I’d have the latest software and pharmaceutical products at incredibly low prices, a personal loan at the best possible rate available on the planet, the ability to purchase medication to enlarge my pen!s (yes, the ! to replace the “i” is common, to fool the filters, I assume) (I have yet to receive spam telling me how I, a female, can get my own pen!s, but I’m sure that’s just a matter of time) so my women will be happy with the hours upon hours (huh?!?!?!? ever hear of chaffing, people?) of sex we could have. And if I don’t have my own woman, there are apparently scores of girls waiting on certain sites for me to choose from.
Lucky, lucky me.
Like the canned spam, computer-generated spam can clog things up. Annoying? Yes. Heart-burn inducing? Sometimes. But if you’re careful, it’s not going to kill you.
Hey, is it lunchtime yet?
And Just Like That, I Have a Job
No, not a writing gig, unfortunately. I assure you, were I to get anything resembling a contract of any kind you wouldn’t have to read it here first. You’d HEAR my hoots of delight from whatever corner of the world you reside.
The job I have is with the local school district as a substitute aide or teacher (hahahaha–Cathy flicks tear from corner of eye). Andrea, one of the lovely ladies who runs the office at my kids’ school, called me earlier today to see if I’d be interested in applying, as there is a shortage of subs. This being a small town, I wasn’t surprised about the difficulty of getting subs. The calling me at home to ask was another matter. I’d never been solicited for a job I hadn’t first applied for or mentioned any interest in pursuing. Another aspect of small town living: they know who is working a regular job and who isn’t. I’m an “isn’t.”
So, I agreed. Andrea told me to go to the troopers’ office to get a background check then to the superintendent’s office to fill out the application. Oh, and please do it soon, as they need me. Tomorrow. Um…okay.
Off I go to the troopers’ office. I showed them two forms of ID, signed a paper, and two minutes later I received an official “Nope, she’s never committed any crimes” report. I’ve led a relatively boring life, criminally speaking. Then it’s to the superintendent’s office. I told the woman at the desk I was there to fill out an application for substitute aide. She said, in effect, “Oh, yes. Andrea said you’d be coming in.” Good thing I didn’t put it off or maybe they’d have called me at home again to ask where I was. More paperwork, more showing of ID and now I have a job. Well, not a regular job, but that’s fine too.
Tomorrow is my first day. Gulp! I haven’t worked outside the home (or inside much, if you ask my husband) since before my 7 year-old was born. Should be interesting. But as a substitute aide for elementary kids, I’ll be okay. I may not be able to run faster than them, but I can scream louder.
Wish me luck.
Belated Birthday Adventure
It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago while my in-laws were in town. They offered to watch the kids while hubby and I went out for dinner, but instead, because it was a gorgeous early autumn day (and you have to take advantage of those, especially here in the Frozen North), we decided to all go Childs Glacier for a picnic (pics forthcoming–I’m having sizing issues!).
The glacier wasn’t calving as actively as it did when we were last there, but there were still plenty of cracklings and splashes to catch our attention. It was great. You can’t beat grilled hamburgers (from my father-in-law’s ranch) and hot dogs, super sweet fresh pineapple, and a loving family to make the best birthday bash.
After we ate and the bugs started coming out in force, we decided to head home. It’s a 45 minute or so trip on a gravel road and the kids had school the next day. In the parking lot, the tire on our minivan was low, so hubby filled it and we stopped along the way to refill it with some of that Fix-a-Flat stuff in a can. That worked for about 12 miles. When we stopped again, it was decided that the tire was too badly damaged to be Fix-a-Flat-ted. Time to break out the spare. This was the first time since buying the vehicle over 10 years ago that we’ve had a flat. No, seriously. So the spare has never been needed. Our first task: finding the spare.
I thought it was on the inside, behind the back seat and under the carpet. Nope, just a little plastic nut. The actual spare was under the car, attached to the vehicle by some bizarre mechanism that required lowering it down on a thin cable by turning the nut above it, pulling the tire out from under the car, tilting it to get the brace thingy through the center of the tire’s rim, then rewinding the cable so it wouldn’t drag on the road. Luckily it was a gorgeous day because had we been trying to do this if it were rainy or snowy I think my hubby would have preferred to walk the 20 miles back to town. What a stupid mechanism!
But hubby and F-I-L valiantly changed the tire while our girls played on a nearby pile of sand. M-I-L and I chatted, and I took a picture of the moon over the mountains and river flats. (Again–pic forthcoming. Sorry!) (I have a picture of hubby and F-I-L changing the tire, but it is neither flattering nor in focus.) We went on our merry way, traveling along on the donut-esque spare.
The next day, hubby and I did go out for dinner, and to meet with a group of folks from his job who were celebrating a coworker’s birthday. At that gathering, I met up with a guy I’d worked with 17 years before–and hadn’t seen since–during a post-Exxon Valdez oil spill research season (I was a biology grunt in my former life). How weird is that? When hubby and I came home, the kids and the in-laws had a belated surprise party for my birthday, complete with balloons, streamers and cake. What fun!
All in all, a great birthday. I can’t wait for next year. What will happen then? Perhaps a blown hose, or running out of gas. No matter what, I know it’ll be fun.
Exercise: It’s for the Dogs
(This post is related to writing. Really. Sort of. Just bear with me.)
Yesterday, I started a 30 minute walking routine with our dogs. Okay, it’s not routine yet, but I plan on making it one. I should have done it sooner, as we all need to move our copious butts more often. Bailey is a black lab/border collie cross with lots of energy. She requires several rounds of chase the ball during the day to keep her from getting stir crazy. Any time, any weather. Why she is not the svelte canine she ought to be is a mystery. Yes, we’ve had her thyroid and such checked. No, she doesn’t eat more than our other dog, Holly (a rottweiler/golden retriever–that’s her picture there. I’ll get one of Bailey on here as an “after” shot. She’s a bit embarrassed by her current state of–ahem–thickness.). Granted, we don’t exercise her as much as she needs, but she shouldn’t be as “big boned” as she is.
It’s scary how Bailey and I have the same problems–thyroid’s fine, eating no more than most, big bones. And since neither of us is keen on dieting, the solution is to move. Hence, our new “walkies” program.
We walk the kids down to the bus stop then go for a 15 minute jaunt along the highway. It’s a highway in name only. With one lane in each direction, sporadic traffic, and a nice wide shoulder, it’s probably one of the safest roads around. The highway follows a huge lake and is bordered by green, woodsy foothills. Other than the potential to meet a bear, it’s quite lovely. At the 15 minute mark, we turn around and head home, feeling the twinge of under-used muscles reawakening.
So how is this related to writing? Though fine companions, dogs aren’t much help in that department. But the walking is important to my routine. My life as a writer lends itself to two unhealthy pitfalls: being sedentary and lacking contact with the outside world. You see, up until we moved, I’d go to the gym 3 or 4 mornings a week. This got me healthier (though I never lost more than a few pounds I did have a better cholesterol count and lower blood pressure, and I felt great) and it was a chance to socialize with other members. After working out, I’d go home and get my day of writing started. Physical exercise and human companionship prepared me for the mental tasks ahead.
But since moving, I haven’t seen the inside of a gym. Okay, that’s not quite true. I looked in the window of the local recreation center and saw their weight room. I have a DVD and some odd looking ring someone gave me for a pilates workout, but I have yet to pop the thing into the player. Maybe I will when the weather is too nasty to walk. Though I doubt the dogs will find it as pleasurable as walking, even in the rain.
I still need to get more human contact to keep me sane. That will probably come with volunteering at school. Eventually. I’m not quite ready for jumping into that fray, as I’m still reveling in the absence of kid-sounds in my day. Let’s not push it, ‘kay?
Ahhhhh……Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Today is the first day of school. I believe I was more excited about it than my girls were, and they were pretty pumped.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my kids more than anything else. But after the insanity of the past five months with family losses, house buying and selling, moving, and getting settled into a new town, it’s great to be back in a routine. Going to bed at a decent hour, getting up in time to eat rather than wolf down breakfast, making lunches.
After enjoying a quiet morning of kidlessness, I’ll get myself back on track with revising, writing, contest judging, and critting. No really. I will.
Right after I finish laughing with giddy abandon.
Cat Tale
One of our cats, Frosty (guess what color he is) decided to go on a bit of an adventure. I know most of you are thinking, well, that’s not too unusual. Cats are like that. Yes, but let me give you a little background.
Frosty is, perhaps, the most skittish, most wussy cat I know. In our old place, he was an indoor only kitty, venturing outside no more than three feet from the door that had better be open or he’d panic. No, really. If he happened to be outside (accompanied by an adult human) and someone accidentally shut the door, he’d freak.
I preferred the cats staying in at our old place because we were close to a somewhat busy road. Not to mention the occasional eagle cruising overhead. But when we moved, our new house offered less traffic danger, so my husband let the cats out.
I was nervous about this, even without the risk of them being run over, because we still had eagles and the added threat of bears. Yes, bears. In the neighborhood. But with plenty of hiding places and Frosty’s tendency to dash from cover to cover, I figured he was safe despite his “unnatural” white “Here I am! Eat me!” fur. It was the bolder cat, Mouse, I was concerned with. Knowing her, she’d walk up to a bear and become kitty vittles.
So anyway, Frosty and Mouse were outside, with the front doors ajar in case they needed to come in. Mouse wandered in on Saturday evening, but not Frosty. I stayed up until midnight, periodically calling to him. Nothing. Next day, nothing. Day after that, gulp, nothing.
The kids were upset, but my husband and I told them that cats do this sort of thing, that perhaps he was at someone else’s house (unlikely, given his skittishness about strangers), anything we could come up with to ease their fears. He even told them of a cat he had in Nome when he was a kid that disappeared for three weeks in the dead of winter. The cat returned with frostbitten ears and a bit on the thin side, but she was fine. Great inspirational story, hon. But inside, I figured Frosty was a gonner. I was sad, as he’s a decent enough cat. The kids were sad. Mouse was sad, but I think mostly because we didn’t let her out anymore. All in all, a sad household.
Until last night. Yep, Frosty wandered up to the porch yesterday evening, none the worse for wear. His ears are a bit red, perhaps from mites, but otherwise he looks fine. We believe he was under the house, but why didn’t he come out? Why didn’t he make any noise? What did he eat? And my husbands biggest question: if he was under there, what did he tear up?
Frosty may be answering those questions, as he has been quite yammery since coming home. My girls want to celebrate by giving him tuna water today at lunch. He’ll like that.
And he and his compadre, Mouse, better like the view from inside. No more outdoor cats.
Moved In
Well, we made it to our new home with nary a scratch.
The cats weren’t too thrilled about being stuck in their carriers for the better part of the day, but could you imagine having two frantic felines loose in the cab of a U-Haul? According to my husband (he drove the moving truck with the cats and hamster in the cab. I drove the minivan with the kids, dogs and fish), they were quiet after the initial indignity of being confined, howled some when they realized an hour into the trip that, hey! It’s been a freakin’ hour, man! Where are you taking us??? They settled down again until we entered a long tunnel. Perhaps they sensed the megatons of rock around them, I don’t know. They were quite relieved to finally get into the new house.
The dogs were simply happy we were taking them for a car ride. I think they got a bit nervous as we started packing and moved stuff out. We left the animals in the house for two nights while we stayed in a hotel, having packed our bedrooms first so we could clean the carpets. The dogs probably thought we were leaving them, so once my husband opened the door of the minivan for them on the day we left, they jumped in and were determined not to get out again. Well, until it was time to pee, anyway.
The hamster, usually in his cage or, on more adventurous day, inside a plastic ball he trundles through the house in, was interested in going on a road trip for a little while. Then I guess sitting in a cage in the U-Haul got boring. The vibration and light made it a bit difficult for him to snooze, but he managed.
The fish fared well too, though some fishy water sloshed onto the passenger side of the minivan. That’ll be fun to smell on warm days.
Oh, wait, I’m in a northern temperate rain forest! Warm days are few and far between.
Actually, that’s not fair. Our first days here were sunny and warm, despite the warning my husband gave about the normal torrents in the area. We’ve gotten rain since then, and some bouts have been amazingly hard, but they stop and the sun breaks through a little. This is summer here. Come fall it will be more rain and wind to drive it sideways. Come winter it will be rain and snow with wind to drive it sideways.
We’re in a smaller town than the one we left and are liking it so far. We attended the July 4th celebration, complete with sack races, three-legged races, jellybean on a spoon races, and egg tossing competitions. After the games, pretty much the entire town met at the lake for a BBQ and boat races.
We’ve got most of the unpacking done too. sure, there will be a few things left in boxes, but what else is new?
And I’m getting back into the groove of writing and critiquing for my partners. Yay!
More about the new digs later. Maybe even some pictures if I remember to recharge the camera’s battery.