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Category Archives: talk to me
Things Are Happening
Hoping there will be some news soon, but nothing I can discuss at the moment. I know, I know. I hate the tease thing too. What can I tell you? I’s have to be dotted and T’s crossed in this biz before official spouting is allowed.
Spring isn’t *quite* in the air here in Alaska. We have tons of snow on the ground and March is typically our snowiest month (god help us!). I’m hoping for a reprieve. It may melt off by June, but I’m not holding my breath. Though perhaps I should, because when it does melt it will be floody and muddy!
In the meantime, I have stories to write, family to visit, and friends whose marriage I will attend/participate.
What are your spring plans?
From the TMI Department
Hello Blogger Buddies!
Things may be a little scarce on the blog for a while. Well, even scarcer : P I have a few items to attend to, including a new gig as the columnist/facilitator of the schools page of our local paper. I tell you, only in a small town do you get called up for a job like this : ) It should be a fun time.
On a more personal front, I had gallbladder surgery and am in recovery mode. Things went well, and I’m feeling good. Looking forward to eating without feeling sick, that’s for sure. But I’m moving a bit slow for the moment. On the plus side, no snow shoveling for 4-6 weeks! Sorry, kids!
So how are you all?
I’m in the Mood for…..
I have a dilemma, friends. What to blog about next? A few fun things are coming up:
I’ll be at the Carina Press SF blog Contact: Infinite Futures next week, and have a sort of plan in mind for that one.
The lovely Natalie Damschroder is scheduled to be here on the 27th. (Read her “Fight or Flight” and LOVED it! Go get it!)
But between now and then, what to post? A long excerpt from Rulebreaker? A character study scene I wrote featuring Zia Talbot? A bit of a paranormal western I’ve been mulling? A rant about bread-stealing bears?
What do you think?
Belated Birthday Bash!!!!
Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me-eee!
So how about a nice giveaway?
Yup! Yesterday was my birthday. I was going to run this little giveaway then, but I was called in to work at the last minute. (Seriously. As a sub, I usually feel “safe” once it hits 8a.m. Not so yesterday!)
I had a great day despite having to work. Hubby was out of town (that wasn’t the great part.) so daughters and I went out to dinner. We laughed a lot, had some good food, laughed some more. Kids made me a couple of little gifts and cards. I have always loved getting handmade gifts from them and this year was no exception. Thanks, girls!
Since I missed posting yesterday, I want to celebrate the next 364 days (or is it 365 because 2012 is a Leap Year?)by having a giveaway this week. It’s very easy. Tell me about your best or worst gift ever. Doesn’t have to be a birthday present. Any occasion that you received something and went “OH!” for whatever reason : ) I’ll randomly pick a commentor and you can choose a $25 gift card/certificate to Amazon, B&N, or another major outfit (need to keep things legit, of course) or I will donate the $25 to a reputable charity of your choice in your name. Seriously, you pick and I get it for you. That way you know you’ll get what you want! Oh, and you will also win a copy of Rulebreaker if you don’t already have one ; ) I’ll pick a birthday winner on Sunday October 2. Remember to leave your email addy!
Rulebreaker Releases in One Week!
Holy moly! August 8 is almost here!
There are a couple of early reviews up, if you want to take a peek. One by Jill Sorenson on GoodReads, and another by LVLMLeah on her Loving Venus-Loving Mars blog. Both have some great things to say about Rulebreaker. Thanks, ladies!
Release week is going to be full of fun and some giveaways as I embark on a Blog Tour Extravaganza! Drop in and say hello, ask questions, give me a hard time.
August 7 The Galaxy Express
August 8 RELEASE DAY! at Maria Zannini’s
August 9 Louisa Bacio’s blog
August 10 Carina Press
August 11 Manic Readers
August 12 Shelley Munro’s blog
August 16 Sarah Makela’s blog
August 17 Maureen Miller’s blog
August 23 Castles and Guns
August 30 Heather Cashman’s blog
I hope to see you here and there over the next week or so!
Rulebreaker is up for pre-order at Carina Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Social Media for the Unsocial
Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge and joined Twitter. Why? It’s. The. Thing. To. Do.
Not that I’m a follower of the latest trends (see sad closet as proof), but I do understand the basics of networking and such.
Living in a somewhat remote location, I love things like Twitter and Facebook that allow me to keep in contact with friends, family and associates in 420 characters or fewer. For on the go folks, or those of us who are often at a loss for how to fill in dead air space, these options are appreciated. Sure, I like the occasional round of small talk, but if I can tell you what I’m up to or make a witty retort then go on to the next shiny topic, I’m happy with that too.
So what do you do to keep in touch? Are you a Twitterer? FBer? Other? Does it work for you? Love it? Hate it? Wish we were back to actual face-to-face conversations that required fully spelled out words? Tell me.