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Category Archives: win stuff
Free Read and a Giveaway
A bit late, but there’s still time to pop on over to Jessica E. Subject’s blog for her Science Fiction Romance Holiday Festivities and read some cool short stories, get inside info about some of the worlds some great authors have created, and win things like books and such! (Note: some of the contests have closed, but there are still great reads!)
I have a free read up too! A short, sexy piece where my two heroines from Rulebreaker celebrate Founder’s Day. Also, a book and gift card giveaway.
So head on over, read some fun SFR, and maybe win a thing or two!
It’s the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz!
Yes, friends, it’s that most wonderful time of year again! The Galaxy Express is hosting a Science Fiction Romance giveaway extravaganza! Lots of different authors giving away lots of great books. All you have to do is comment. The more blogs you visit, the better your chances!
I’m giving away a copy of Rulebreaker at Contact-Infinite Futures. Come on by and see what all is being offered.
Happy Holidays, to be sure!
It’s the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz!
Yes, friends, it’s that most wonderful time of year again! The Galaxy Express is hosting a Science Fiction Romance giveaway extravaganza! Lots of different authors giving away lots of great books. All you have to do is comment. The more blogs you visit, the better your chances!
I’m giving away a copy of Rulebreaker at Contact-Infinite Futures. Come on by and see what all is being offered.
Happy Holidays, to be sure!
Maria Zannini’s DIY Christmas
More food and fun from the lovely and talented Maria Zannini! From now through December 22, almost every day will be chock full o’ holiday goodness you can do yourself! Great food to share! Great craft ideas you can keep or give as gifts!
I’ll be over at Maria’s on the 19th with my favorite salmon recipe and a giveaway. See you there!
Maria Zannini’s DIY Christmas
More food and fun from the lovely and talented Maria Zannini! From now through December 22, almost every day will be chock full o’ holiday goodness you can do yourself! Great food to share! Great craft ideas you can keep or give as gifts!
I’ll be over at Maria’s on the 19th with my favorite salmon recipe and a giveaway. See you there!
Science Fiction Romance Lights Up the Holidays
The lovely and talented Jessica E. Subject has brought together a plethora of authors to give you the gift of stories. Starting yesterday and through December 30, you can check out what some favorite characters are up to for the holidays, or perhaps meet a few new friends. And do check out ALL the posts. Some authors are having contests! Yay!
Here’s the schedule of author posts:
December 1 – D.L. Jackson
December 2 – Lisa Lane
December 3 – Jessica E. Subject @ Daily Dose of Decadence
December 5 – Gini Koch
December 6 – Heather Massey
December 7 – Jessica E. Subject @ 30 Days of Decadence Holiday Blog
December 8 – Rebecca Royce
December 9 – Bella Street
December 12 – Sara Brookes
December 13 – Maureen O. Betita
December 14 – Jessica E. Subject @ Jennifer Lane’s blog & TRS Book-a-day Giveaway
December 15 – Ann Mayburn
December 16 – Jeanette Grey
December 19 – Melisse Aires
December 20 – Diane Dooley
December 21 – Jessica E. Subject on Lisa Fox’s blog
December 22 – Azura Ice
December 23 – Eve Langlais
December 27 – Ella Drake
December 28 – Cathy Pegau
December 29 – Marva Dasef
December 30 – Misa Buckley
Yes, there I am, on the 28th!
And yes, I’m giving away a copy of Rulebreaker!
So take a break from the madness, read some fun stories, and maybe win a little something for yourself. Happy holidays, All!!!
Belated Birthday Bash!!!!
Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me-eee!
So how about a nice giveaway?
Yup! Yesterday was my birthday. I was going to run this little giveaway then, but I was called in to work at the last minute. (Seriously. As a sub, I usually feel “safe” once it hits 8a.m. Not so yesterday!)
I had a great day despite having to work. Hubby was out of town (that wasn’t the great part.) so daughters and I went out to dinner. We laughed a lot, had some good food, laughed some more. Kids made me a couple of little gifts and cards. I have always loved getting handmade gifts from them and this year was no exception. Thanks, girls!
Since I missed posting yesterday, I want to celebrate the next 364 days (or is it 365 because 2012 is a Leap Year?)by having a giveaway this week. It’s very easy. Tell me about your best or worst gift ever. Doesn’t have to be a birthday present. Any occasion that you received something and went “OH!” for whatever reason : ) I’ll randomly pick a commentor and you can choose a $25 gift card/certificate to Amazon, B&N, or another major outfit (need to keep things legit, of course) or I will donate the $25 to a reputable charity of your choice in your name. Seriously, you pick and I get it for you. That way you know you’ll get what you want! Oh, and you will also win a copy of Rulebreaker if you don’t already have one ; ) I’ll pick a birthday winner on Sunday October 2. Remember to leave your email addy!
How lucky we are! SF author Robert Appleton is here today with the next installment of his five part series AND this is the release day for his newest book, Sparks in the Cosmic Dust from Carina Press!
Or Thru the Black Hole
iPod fully charged. Check. Assorted Jerry Goldsmith, John Williams, James Horner, Holst and other cosmic composers set to continuous play. Check. Phone off. Check. John Carter of Mars & Dejah Thoris and Luke & Yoda posters nicely lit on the wall. Check. Sisyphean mindset in place. Um, check. Genius in place. I wish. Ideas racing at light speed. CHECK-CHECK-CHECK…
It’s hard to describe the moment-to-moment process of actually writing the book without sounding pretty insane. Sure, I’m using the craft I’ve learned painstakingly over years of storytelling. I can describe to you the structure and the characters and the worldbuilding and how to create tension and emotion. But what I can’t tell you is exactly how I combine all those, moment to moment, to spin the threads uniquely mine.
Without coming across as too goofy, I will say that while anyone with a competent grasp of language can learn the nuts and bolts required to write a novel, you have to take it far beyond that. Not that I’ve mastered this gig yet—I don’t think you ever really do—but what makes a strong piece of storytelling stand out from the crowd is, for me, something that can’t be taught. It’s the moment to moment intuition, the descriptive flights of fancy, the feel for tension and emotion in a given scenario, the insights into human behaviour you’ve picked up over a lifetime. You don’t know for sure they’re going to work on the page but you trust your instincts anyway.
Writing is generating those sparks in cosmic dust and using them to light your way.
You can’t be that intense all the time, of course. Knowing when to step off the gas is just as important in novel writing. You don’t want to exhaust the reader. And the best way to ensure that is to keep the writing smooth and natural: pacing is another intuitive skill, probably the easiest one to get wrong when you’re wrapped up in the grammar mechanics and the plot points and the million other factors jostling for your attention. There comes a point where you have to just glide and let your instincts take over, otherwise you’d be agonising for a year over each chapter.
The hardest scenes for me to write in Sparks in Cosmic Dust were those with group dialogue. It’s like acting all the parts in a play on your own, and each character has to have a unique voice while also driving the story forward. I’m at my best with one on one dialogue—I like generating friction in the backs and forths—but in a five-strong group, it’s harder to settle into a groove. It’s also hard to give each character equal weight. While it’s often necessary to focus on one or two in the scene, you have to at least consider the others’ POV, even if they’re not speaking.
The easiest chapters were, strangely enough, the action scenes. There are quite a few in Sparks, especially in the second half. But I’ve found from past experience that my action scenes flow much better if I write them in one go. The ebb and flow requires continuity, and any time I have to stop-start, I lose that momentum. One extended chase/fight scene ending on the beach of Zopyrus I had to spread over two chapters, but I made sure I got the whole thing done in two days. It also had an emotional climax, which may have ultimately worked better because I was so exhausted. The desperation the characters felt mirrored my own.
I outlined thirty-odd chapters before I wrote Sparks, giving a paragraph for each chapter. That’s always the most critical part of novel writing for me in that the story arcs have to work in condensed form before I even think about embarking on the journey into the black hole. Chapters evolve as I write, but for the most part that initial outline is close to the end product.
It took me three months to write Sparks, and another one to edit it before submission. That’s a pretty quick turnaround, especially the latter part. I think the confidence gained from having written four previous novels allowed me to loosen up and trust my intuition this time. The result is my most ambitious and probably my most consistent SF book yet.
Today is launch day for Sparks in Cosmic Dust! Woohoo! To celebrate, I’m posting a five-part look at the book’s development, from initial concept to book launch. I’m also giving away one SF title from my back catalogue with each segment, ending with a special Sparks giveaway. The winners will be all announced on September 30th on my own blog: http://robertbappleton.blogspot.com
Here’s where you can find the other installments:
Part 1: Concept (Aug 31)—Contact: Infinite Futures Blog
Part 2: Character (Sep 13)—Mercurial Times (my blog)
Part 4: The Writing Process (Sep 23)—Shawn Kupfer’s Blog
Part 5: Publication (Sep 28)—Carina Press Blog
With this fourth installment, I’m giving away one set of The Eleven Hour Fall trilogy ebooks. To enter, either leave a comment here on Cathy’s blog or send me an email at sevenmercury7@aol.com with SPARKS GIVEAWAY FOUR in the subject line. Don’t forget to give your name.
Good luck!
Rulebreaker Blog Tour Continues with Prizes!
Another fun-filled week of the Rulebreaker Blog Tour is ahead! And there are prizes to be won. What kind of prizes, you ask? Well, books and maybe a gift card or two. You’ll have to drop by and see.
Monday August 22, I answer some questions posed by the lovely LVLM Leah over at Loving Venus-Loving Mars. Leah has something planned ; )
Tuesday August 23 I’ll be posting at Castles and Guns talking about Bad Girls and why we love them. Look for a giveaway there, too.
And Thursday August 25 I’ll be at Natalie Damschroder’s with a post on…something fun : ) Chance for a prize there? Could be.
Remember, if you comment at all three, your chances of winning are greatly improved.
I’ve been posting short lines of my WiP over on my Twitter feed. It’s not a regular thing, but one pops up now and again.
See you out on the Interwebs!
Rulebreaker is available from Carina Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other ebook retailers. Thank you!!!!
Inspiration: Getting Between the Sheets with Louisa Bacio
I love getting to know authors, especially those who are new to me. And I want you to get to know them too! In that spirit, I’ll be having guests drop in now and again. Starting now 🙂
First up is author Louisa Bacio. Louisa writes hot (and I mean HOT) f/f contemporary and paranormal stories. Please make Louisa feel welcome.
Want to get to know me a little better? How my mind works? Slip between the cool sheets on this hot summer day, and let’s talk a little about my latest release Sex University: All-Girls Academy, which is a f/f contemporary erotic.
For those unfamiliar with the term, f/f translates into lesbian.
And immediately when one starts to write f/f fiction, many ponder the question on the writer’s sexuality and life choices. Those who have read me before must realize that I believe in equal-opportunity love. It’s not about the gender, it’s about the individual or individuals.
Now, with that out of the way … let’s move on to another topic that often comes up with writing, and that’s inspiration. With Sex University: All-Girls Academy, it began with a few characters whispering sweet nothings to me late at night. It all began with my first full-length novel in the Sex University “Universe,” Physical Education.
Strong female characters draw me. My mother always stressed not to be a “victim,” and to take control of one’s life. The character of Officer Margaret was seen briefly in Physical Education, but readers really get to know her story here. We slide into that uniform with her, so to speak. And, she shucks it off and transforms from “Marge” into “Maggie.”
Next there’s Ms. Lucy, headmistress of the schools. She’s another returning character – and her story’s not quite finished yet – but we primarily delve into the life of her niece, Savannah. Like her Aunt, Savannah wants to escape from her ultra-conservative home life, and experience something new, which brings her to the All-Girls Academy.
Also populating the Academy is a number of other strong-willed women. A favorite will be the Italian art teacher Antoinella who instructs on, among other things, the art of body painting.
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
Now, if you don’t mind, I think it’s naptime …
Sex University: All-Girls Academy
Raised by an over-controlling and manipulative father, Savannah “Van” Morgan flees the East Coast for the West, seeking sanctuary with her Aunt Lucy, headmistress of San Francisco Sex University. Rather than staying at the main campus, Van enrolls in SFSU’s more nurturing “sister” school, the All-Girls Academy.
After visiting the main campus of SFSU, Margaret “Maggie” O’Neil hangs up her police badge in search of new experiences and hoping to awaken her own dormant sexuality.
With subject matters such as an “Art Sex-education” class with an Italian visiting professor who’s more than happy to schedule private tutoring after-hours, the All-Girls Academy invites all sorts of sexual exploration. In the end, Van and Maggie will either fall victim to the pressures of society, or come together to save each other.
Louisa Bacio enjoys soaking up the sun in Southern California, and spending time with her family.
To see how the story started, check out Bacio’s erotic thriller Sex University: Physical Education. Her story “Two’s Company” can be found in I Kissed a Girl: A Virgin Lesbian Anthology. For those who love paranormal ménage, check out the hot “The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A New Orleans Threesome.”
In addition to writing and editing, Bacio teaches college courses in English, journalism, film studies and popular culture.
Drop in for a visit:
Want to win a copy of Sex University: All-Girls Academy? Leave a comment … any comment will do! One random entry will be selected to win a .pdf copy.