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Category Archives: Woo hoo
It’s the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz!
Yes, friends, it’s that most wonderful time of year again! The Galaxy Express is hosting a Science Fiction Romance giveaway extravaganza! Lots of different authors giving away lots of great books. All you have to do is comment. The more blogs you visit, the better your chances!
I’m giving away a copy of Rulebreaker at Contact-Infinite Futures. Come on by and see what all is being offered.
Happy Holidays, to be sure!
It’s the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz!
Yes, friends, it’s that most wonderful time of year again! The Galaxy Express is hosting a Science Fiction Romance giveaway extravaganza! Lots of different authors giving away lots of great books. All you have to do is comment. The more blogs you visit, the better your chances!
I’m giving away a copy of Rulebreaker at Contact-Infinite Futures. Come on by and see what all is being offered.
Happy Holidays, to be sure!
Claustrophobic Christmas by Jody Wallace writing as Ellie Marvel
Grab a blanket and snuggle with this new novella coming from Samhain Publishing November 29. But be warned! You’ll warm up soon enough. While the story starts off with a snowstorm and a great sense of the cold–and I know cold!–it quickly heats up when travel writer Darcy Burkell gets stuck in a snowy traffic jam with photographer James Jones.
When Jody was writing Claustrophobic Christmas, she asked me, her official snow consultant, if I’d ever experienced a snowy traffic jam. In a town that has only two main streets, it isn’t snow that gums up traffic, it’s two cars meeting and stopping in the middle of the road to chat. That’s a traffic jam in my corner of Alaska.
Here’s a little taste of Jody’s latest:
The bleak, grey sunset was swallowed by the ticking clock, and the snow grew heavier. Thirty minutes. She could no longer see asphalt. She twitched through the stations on the AM band again and again, hoping for better news. The more the snow coated her vehicle, the more it felt like a suffocating, metal coffin. An inch of white mounded on the car’s hood, but she kept those wipers going, those windows clear.
The cabin shrank smaller the longer she sat. Was it safe to get out? Where was her jacket? In back. She’d need it. The sweat suit was cozy but no protection against a…blizzard. Wind gusted the snow half down, half sideways.
Oh dear. She’d read about wilderness survival in her books, but that wasn’t the same as interstate survival. It wasn’t the same as being stuck in her car for hours.
No, she couldn’t think about hours, only minutes. In five minutes, if she was still here, which she wouldn’t be, she’d open the door and put her feet on the ground. Her butt grew numb as Novocain, and her nerves started twanging like bowstrings.
God, she hated small spaces. Cars, mostly. Other small spaces were easier to avoid. The AM station fuzzed on and off.
Darcy switched to holiday music, hoping the cheery bells would gird her loins to warn her family about her delay. She could hardly admit to herself she might be stuck here, in this itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow, candy-smelling car, because she’d ignored the Weather Channel, so how could she admit it to Pop?
The truck in front of her groaned and cranked. Its taillights and brakes flickered off with a long, exhausted hiss. All around her, vehicles followed his example, headlights disappearing from her rearview mirrors.
They were giving up? But they’d only been here a few minutes! They could break free any second. Darcy tap-tap-tapped the steering wheel, faster and faster, until she caved to peer pressure and flicked off her headlamps. It was probably a mistake. She needed to be ready. If they idled much longer, it could get nasty. It was cold out there, and getting colder. Snow covered the cars, the road, the fields. Was James stuck? She reached for her phone, charging in the console, to text him, but he might not welcome any personal back and forth.
When she heard a door slam, just as he’d predicted, she twisted around to see what was going on.
There were still enough headlights for her to make out the man from the SUV tugging a large, shaggy dog on a leash. They cut in front of her to the roadside. The human hunched miserably against the wind as the dog cavorted in the possibly record snowfall.
So many tires to pee on, so little time.
How fun is that? As always, Jody delivers a great story with charming characters, and she never fails to make me laugh.
So off you go! Preorder Claustrophobic Christmas or put it on your wishlist.
Release Week in Review
What a great Release Week for Rulebreaker! I can’t thank my hosts enough for their generosity. And the chance to connect to folks through the comments was great fun. Thank you so much Heather at The Galaxy Express, Maria Zannini, Carina Press, Manic Readers, and Shelley Munro.
Go visit them and show them some love!
But the fun isn’t over yet! I have a few more guest appearances coming up and will have some authors visiting here in the weeks to come. On Tuesday the 16th, I’ll be at Sarah Makela’s blog, and on Wednesday the 17th I’ll be at Maureen Miller’s.
Stay tuned for more appearances later in August and into September.
I’m getting great feedback on Rulebreaker and appreciate all the kind words folks have for it. Thank you so so much!
Happy Anniversary, Carina Press!
Before Carina Press ever released its first book, there was tons of buzz and anticipation about this digital first imprint. Between the Harlequin connection and Angela James at the helm, authors pubbed and unpubbed couldn’t wait for them to open to submissions and see who would have the first books out of the gate.
Carina Press announced its existence while Rulebreaker was still being tweaked and I was looking into publishers. I had the feeling the story would be a perfect fit for Carina. I’m glad they did too.
One year later, tons of amazing stories have been released, with more to come 😉 The imprint is thriving. Authors are happy. Readers are happy.
In celebration, there is a big party of blog posts, contests, announcements and giveaways going on. Head over to the Carina Press blog for details.
Happy Anniversary, Carina! And thank you!
Liv Braxton, a small-time thief stuck on a backwater planet, takes on the gig of a lifetime filling in as executive assistant at Exeter Mining Company. Her job is to download incriminating files, but Liv finds herself unexpectedly torn when she falls for Zia Talbot, the beautiful and alluring VP she is supposed to betray.
When I saw this for the first time, my jaw dropped and I felt myself getting all faklempt. Can you blame me? It’s a gorgeous cover, and I can’t thank the art team at Carina Press or the artist at Croco Designs enough for the perfect rendition of Liv and Zia. That’s them, I said to myself.
The cover shows Liv and Zia’s strength and vulerability, two characteristics I love in heroines. Liv is a thief, she needs to be tough but she’s not unfeeling. That’s sort of her problem : ) Zia may be standing behind Liv, but she’s no shrinking violet. Far from it.
The blue tone, weapon and background let you know this is going to be a futuristic/science fiction story. The position of the characters tells you it’s a romance, but not erotic. It looks like Zia is about to kiss Liv’s shoulder. There’s a scene in the book where Zia comes up behind Liv and does that. I’m not sure if the artist read it, but it’s nicely implied here. And rather sensual, IMO : )
Rulebreaker comes out August 8. I’ll be posting a blog tour schedule in conjuction with the release. I hope you join me.
But until then, feel free to pop back and drool over the cover. I know I will : )
The legalese:
Cover Art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Copyright© 2011 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Liv Braxton, a small-time thief stuck on a backwater planet, takes on the gig of a lifetime filling in as executive assistant at Exeter Mining Company. Her job is to download incriminating files, but Liv finds herself unexpectedly torn when she falls for Zia Talbot, the beautiful and alluring VP she is supposed to betray.
When I saw this for the first time, my jaw dropped and I felt myself getting all faklempt. Can you blame me? It’s a gorgeous cover, and I can’t thank the art team at Carina Press or the artist at Croco Designs enough for the perfect rendition of Liv and Zia. That’s them, I said to myself.
The cover shows Liv and Zia’s strength and vulerability, two characteristics I love in heroines. Liv is a thief, she needs to be tough but she’s not unfeeling. That’s sort of her problem : ) Zia may be standing behind Liv, but she’s no shrinking violet. Far from it.
The blue tone, weapon and background let you know this is going to be a futuristic/science fiction story. The position of the characters tells you it’s a romance, but not erotic. It looks like Zia is about to kiss Liv’s shoulder. There’s a scene in the book where Zia comes up behind Liv and does that. I’m not sure if the artist read it, but it’s nicely implied here. And rather sensual, IMO : )
Rulebreaker comes out August 8. I’ll be posting a blog tour schedule in conjuction with the release. I hope you join me.
But until then, feel free to pop back and drool over the cover. I know I will : )
The legalese:
Cover Art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Copyright© 2011 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Wanna See Something Pretty?
Head on over to The Galaxy Express ; )
Or, if you’d rather wait until tomorrow, you can come back here.
ETA: Oops! Sorry, gang, I’ll post Thursday or Friday. I have to find something first : P
Rulebreaker Release Date
August 8, 2011 will be a heck of a day here in the Hopefully-Not Frozen North. My F/F SFR Rulebreaker debuts at Carina Press. Here’s a blurb:
Liv Braxton, a small-time thief stuck on a backwater planet, takes on the gig of a lifetime filling in as executive assistant at Exeter Mining Company. Her job is to download incriminating files, but Liv finds herself unexpectedly torn when she falls for Zia Talbot, the beautiful and alluring VP she is supposed to betray.
It seems unreal that this story, that ANY story of mine, is going to be published. But there it is. Or will be.
I’m getting up the nerve to contact folks for a blog tour, which should be fun/chaotic. I’ve never done one before, nor hosted any other person on my blog, so we’ll see how it goes.
IRL, I want to have a release party, but other than displaying my cover (which I can’t wait to see because Carina puts out some awesome covers!) it’s not like I can sign anything. Still, any excuse for a party, right?
August 8 is also the start of Science Camp week. We will have at least two house guests, possibly three, to add to the mix. That’ll be fun, but we’ll have to keep things family-rated, as two of our guests are under 13.
So there you have it. August 8, 2011. Mark your calendars and stay tuned. I’ll post a cover and, hopefully, a blog tour schedule.