Belated Birthday Bash!!!!

Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me!
Happy belated birthday to me-eee!

So how about a nice giveaway?

Yup! Yesterday was my birthday. I was going to run this little giveaway then, but I was called in to work at the last minute. (Seriously. As a sub, I usually feel “safe” once it hits 8a.m. Not so yesterday!)

I had a great day despite having to work. Hubby was out of town (that wasn’t the great part.) so daughters and I went out to dinner. We laughed a lot, had some good food, laughed some more. Kids made me a couple of little gifts and cards. I have always loved getting handmade gifts from them and this year was no exception. Thanks, girls!

Since I missed posting yesterday, I want to celebrate the next 364 days (or is it 365 because 2012 is a Leap Year?)by having a giveaway this week. It’s very easy. Tell me about your best or worst gift ever. Doesn’t have to be a birthday present. Any occasion that you received something and went “OH!” for whatever reason : ) I’ll randomly pick a commentor and you can choose a $25 gift card/certificate to Amazon, B&N, or another major outfit (need to keep things legit, of course) or I will donate the $25 to a reputable charity of your choice in your name. Seriously, you pick and I get it for you. That way you know you’ll get what you want! Oh, and you will also win a copy of Rulebreaker if you don’t already have one ; ) I’ll pick a birthday winner on Sunday October 2. Remember to leave your email addy!

contest, Rulebreaker, talk to me, win stuffPermalink

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