Enter The SFR Holiday Blitz Here!

Welcome to the SFR Holiday Blitz!
This holiday season, you could win over 50 science fiction romance books! Thirty-three (33!) talented SFR authors have teamed up with 15 bloggers to give you a taste of the adventures the subgenre has to offer. And who doesn’t like tasting things during the holidays?
Entering is free and easy: Just leave a comment. Seriously, that’s all you have to do. Then visit the other participating blogs, which are listed below for your convenience, and leave comments on each of them. Click and comment. Click and comment.

One winner will be picked at each blog.
The deadline to enter is midnight EST on Sunday, December 26.
On Monday, December 27, I’ll randomly pick ONE WINNER,
so be sure to check back!

What’s the prize here at the Frozen North, you ask?

1 print copy each of THE STARS DOWN UNDER and THE STARS BLUE YONDER by Sandra McDonald. (Author will ship internationally. Sweet!)
Chief Petty Officer Terry Myell—whose taboo enlistee/officer marriage to Lt. Cmdr. Jodenny Scott has landed him a tedious desk assignment—is kidnapped and forced to join a mission seeking a group of researchers who disappeared while investigating a network of spherical gateways that allow almost instantaneous travel between the stars.

A digital copy of LAST FLIGHT OF THE ARK by D.L. Jackson
Evolution never happened so fast. Twelve hours outside of Terra II, Colonel Kaleb Titan, a molecular geneticist and commander of the Ark, faces a life or death choice that could change the fate of mankind. The Genesis I, aka the Ark, travels with a hold full of wildlife and three crew members. When a wolf bite and genetically-altering gamma radiation transform Kaleb, he notices his senses have been heightened, his libido has gone haywire and he can’t keep his hands off his crew. Worse yet, they don’t seem inclined to stop him. When their sister ship, the Genesis II arrives early, Kaleb’s problems compound. As soon as the command crew of the Genesis II boards, one whiff tells Kaleb they’re not from Earth or who they appear to be.

A digital copy of SILVER BOUND by Ella Drake
Sheriff Guy Trident doesn’t have much to do with off-worlders; he has his hands full keeping his own planet safe. But he’ll do anything, go anywhere to save Jewel Quinn. She broke his heart years ago when she left to marry a Terraloft aristocrat. Now she’s run away from her husband, only to fall into the clutches of slavers.

Yes, Virginia, ALL PRIZES will go to ONE WINNER!
When you’ve entered at this site, go on over to the others for more shots at some of the best SFR out there! Go!! Go!!! GO!!!!

The Galaxy Express


SFR Brigade


Lisa Paitz Spindler

Enduring Romance

Smart Girls Love Sci Fi & Paranormal Romance

SciFi Guy

Dirty Sexy Books

Love Romance Passion

Panic in the Lingerie!

vvB32 Reads

Corrina Lawson

Flying Whale Productions

Alien Romances


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