Girding the Summer Loins

Tomorrow is the last day of school. The last day to appreciate the mid afternoon quiet of my house. The last day to sit at the computer and pound out thousands–okay, hundreds…tens?–of uninterrupted words. As much as I love not having to get up and get kids off to school, or get ready for work myself, this free-for-all time of year challenges my self discipline and my organizational skills.

I want to stick to a writing regiment and accomplish my one big goal: Get my SFR WIP done before July 11. Yes, specifically that date, because I will be gone for the month following it. I want to get the first draft done, out to my lovely crit partners, and also allow the story to marinate for that time, unseen and untouched. When I return in August, I will be looking at it with fresher eyes. Well, after I get over the jet lag they’ll be fresher.

I can do this. My kids are old enough that I don’t have to monitor their every move. When I was a kid, we left the house after breakfast, returned for lunch, maybe, went back out, came in for dinner, unless we called to say we were eating at a friend’s, then wandered home when the streetlights came on. Daily adventures and evening exhaustion were normal parts of our summers. I may have my kids follow that plan more than a few times. Except for coming home when the streetlights go on. It doesn’t get dark here until 11pm in the summer, a wee bit too late for the under 16 set.

Between that, camps, and trips, I should be able to keep them busy enough not to hear the dreaded “B” word: Bored. They know what it means if they utter it in my presence. The “C” word: Chores. Husband will be cutting wood for the coming winter, so there will be LOTS of stacking necessary.

That means, the only one I’ll have to closely monitor is myself. I predict more than one mental kick in the butt in my future, but if I can work like a demon until July 11 and get to “The End,” it will be worth it. And yes, dear reader, feel free to kick. Accountability to someone other than yourself is a wonderful source of inspiration. The muse does not like having a sore bottom.

What are your plans/goals for the summer?

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