Summer, We Shall Miss Ye…Sort of

By most of the country’s standards, summer is still in full swing. Even if school has started, there are plenty of hot days and at least one long weekend to go before it’s over. Not here in the Soggy North. School will not start until the 20th (too soon, according to my oldest child), but looking out my window at the blowing rain, listening to the furnace kick on despite the thermometer setting of 63, the carefree days are essentially over.

Over for the kids, anyway. Hehehe. I’ll try not to gloat as I sit in my quiet house, sipping a second or third cup of coffee whilst donned in flannel pajamas. I’ll consider their hectic schedules as I make the difficult decision whether to shower before or after “Regis and Kelly.” I promise not to smirk as they labor over pages and pages of homework while I flip through the latest issue of People. I promise not to do these things because I am a good and kind mother (snerk).

But hey, I’ve done my summer duties. We spent some grand quality time together, had visitors and participated in all kinds of activities, went Outside for ten days to visit family and friends. All in all, it was a very good, fun summer. And now it’s time to get back on schedule, continue focusing on our goals and dreams. If I can do that in my pajamas, so much the better.

Alaska, on my mindPermalink

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