The Next Big Thing

Last week, Suzie Carr tagged me to participate in The Next Big Thing blog tour. The idea is to hop from blog to blog to discover exciting books we might not have heard about or that are still Work in Progress (WIPs). My offering for Week 20 is a WIP I’ve been working on from time to time for the past several months. Other book deadlines put this particular story on hold for a bit. I hope it sees the light of day (and the eye of an editor ; ) soon.

What is the working title of your book?

Right now, this one is called “The Girls Who Hunt Demons” for lack of name. Titling is hard sometimes. Either one hits right off the bat or I’m at a loss. Currently, I’m at a loss here : P (Suggestions welcome!)

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I’ve been mulling the idea of doing a paranormal histroical for a while, trying to find the right plot and characters. Demon hunters have been pretty popular, and while I don’t try to play the market, this idea came about from that genre’s current run.

What genre does your book fall under?

Probably paranormal historical romance. There is a lesbian relationship, but I don’t define couplings as genre, really. Just thougth it would be helpful to know ; )

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Emily Blunt as Maggie and Naomi Watts as Grace.

I love both actors for their ability to play strong, yet vulnerable women.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Grace and Maggie were the Diablo Society’s best demon hunters, so why did the Society split them up?

What is the longer synposis of your book?

Grace Parker and Maggie Mulvaney weren’t supposed to be Source and Catalyst, the matched pairing that the Diablo Society trains to combat demons walking the world. But from the day they meet in a mansion on Long Island, NY, they know they were meant to be a team. And then some. For three years, Grace and Maggie fight demons as they fall in love. One day, Maggie disappears. Grace is told she was called home to her native Ireland for a family emergency, but she doesn’t believe Maggie would leave without telling her herself. After a year of inquery and searching, Grace finds Maggie in Wyoming. But Maggie has no idea who Grace is. Slowly, Maggie regains her memory of who and what she was, and what she meant to Grace. One question begs for an answer that could get them killed: Who stole Maggie’s memory and why?

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Not sure what will happen to it. I’ll let you know!

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

It’s only about half done, so I have no idea : )

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

I enjoy historical westerns, stories with paranormal elements and strong female characters. Combining those aspects spurred me on.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I’ve been researching the Long Island town where I grew up to get a good handle on the place where Maggie and Grace meet and train together. “Modern Times” was a happening place back in the late 1800s. I’m having a grand time integrating the history of the area with my demon-hunting society!


I didn’t tag anyone for next week, but if anyone wants to take up the reins that would be great : )

Cathy PegauPermalink

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