This and That

School starts in just over a week. I’m much happier about it than the kids, though they are anxious to be able to do something other than chores.

BF Sharron arrives Saturday for what’s going to be an all too brief visit. We will hike around, go see the glacier, and attend the Fish Prom. Details regarding that later.

Holly is doing well. Finishes with her meds today. I’m trying to get in touch with her regular vet, who has another office in another part of the state, but no luck so far. Hopefully he’ll swing by our town soon. It’s still a bit weird to see her with only three legs, but she doesn’t seem bothered.

Diligently working on revisions of Bad Girl. Patiently waiting CPs’ notes so I can resubmit.

Critting some chapters for Melanie. Will get them to you soon!

Mulling the continuation of the current WIP and how to tackle a serious plot hole in a different story. I mean, Mack truck-sized plot hole. Got the characters, got the setting. Logical plot? Not so much. Perhaps it’s time to jettison that line of thought and go elsewhere with it.

That’s what I’m up to. You?

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