Social Media for the Unsocial

Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge and joined Twitter. Why? It’s. The. Thing. To. Do.

Not that I’m a follower of the latest trends (see sad closet as proof), but I do understand the basics of networking and such.

Living in a somewhat remote location, I love things like Twitter and Facebook that allow me to keep in contact with friends, family and associates in 420 characters or fewer. For on the go folks, or those of us who are often at a loss for how to fill in dead air space, these options are appreciated. Sure, I like the occasional round of small talk, but if I can tell you what I’m up to or make a witty retort then go on to the next shiny topic, I’m happy with that too.

So what do you do to keep in touch? Are you a Twitterer? FBer? Other? Does it work for you? Love it? Hate it? Wish we were back to actual face-to-face conversations that required fully spelled out words? Tell me.

on my mind, talk to mePermalink

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