Happy Anniversary, Carina Press!

Before Carina Press ever released its first book, there was tons of buzz and anticipation about this digital first imprint. Between the Harlequin connection and Angela James at the helm, authors pubbed and unpubbed couldn’t wait for them to open to submissions and see who would have the first books out of the gate.

Carina Press announced its existence while Rulebreaker was still being tweaked and I was looking into publishers. I had the feeling the story would be a perfect fit for Carina. I’m glad they did too.

One year later, tons of amazing stories have been released, with more to come 😉 The imprint is thriving. Authors are happy. Readers are happy.

In celebration, there is a big party of blog posts, contests, announcements and giveaways going on. Head over to the Carina Press blog for details.

Happy Anniversary, Carina! And thank you!

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